How to test for a held item name in Minecraft? - Arqade
2024年10月24日 · As of 1.9 you can use scoreboard add tag command to tag the player holding the specific item. scoreboard players tag @a add <tagName> {SelectedItem:{id:"minecraft:diamond_sword",tag:{display:{Name:"Item Name"}}}} This allows you to target the players within another command. Lets make the …
How do I detect player is holding "ANY" type of sword
2023年7月22日 · Is there a way to detect the player when holding any type of swords? Now I can only detect 1 type of sword per single command block. I just don't…
How do i testfor a item a player is holding? [duplicate]
2016年3月8日 · The SelectedItem compound holds a copy of the player's currently-held item. If you need to target the player after finding them, you should not use /testfor because that does not mark matching players for you to target afterwards. You should instead use a command such as /scoreboard to assign a label, either a score in pre-1.9 or a "tag" in 1.9+:
How to detect a player holding an custom item : r ... - Reddit
2022年7月25日 · There are a couple things here, one of them is that the SelectedItem tag is capitalized as SelectedITem (only the S and I should be in capitals). Also, the NBT tag for the item is wrapped in an array, e.g. [ {item data}]. If you take out those square brackets, it should work. Instead of writing all that, just use this:
is there a way to test if a player is holding a named item in Minecraft …
2022年5月22日 · You can use /clear to test if the item is in their inventory. Just use 0 for the quantity to clear and if they have the item the command will be successfull. You can use /enchant to check if they are holding a tool/armor. This is the old way of doing it but hasitem has recently come out for bedrock just to inform you of this method instead.
/execute if entity specific item slection problem - Minecraft Forum
2019年1月25日 · You have to test for a player holding a sword with this specific attribute, you were testing for attributes only. Use this: execute if entity @a[nbt={SelectedItem:{id:"minecraft:iron_sword",tag:{AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:"generic.luck",Name:"generic.luck",Amount:1,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:1,UUIDMost:2,Slot:"mainhand"}]}}}] run …
Can I tp someone holding a specific item in minecraft windows …
You can use the /scoreboard command to tag players based on their NBT data. You would for example want this: /scoreboard players tag @a add test {SelectedItem:{id:"minecraft:diamond_sword"}} This everyone with "test" who is holding a diamond sword. Then you can just target players with …
Minecraft 1.12.2 --> Item holding detection!
2020年2月22日 · You can't display the particles around the sword itself but you can display them around the player. Place down a repeating (always active, unconditional) command block and attach 2 chain (always active, unconditional) command blocks to …
How to detect if a player is holding a stone sword?
2020年6月20日 · Hi, I’m making a minigame for my friends, and I want to be able to detect when x player holds their stone sword. Basically, how can I detect if a certain player is holding an item? (More specifically, a stone sword?)
Solved If player is holding ... - skUnity Forums
2020年4月9日 · first, the correct usage is "player's tool" not "tool of player" second, separate all of the possible items with "or", because in the third one, you are just telling skript to broadcast ddd only if player is holding all of the items at once. so the code would then be: