About Me - Meng Li, Ph.D.
I am a professor, the founding director of Bauer Human-Centered AI Institute, SCM PhD coordinator, and Endowed C.T. Bauer Chair of AI at C.T. Bauer College of Business, University of Houston. My recent research interests focus on human-centered AI.
Meng Li's Homepage
2025年3月3日 · I am currently a tenure-track assistant professor jointly affiliated with Institute for Artificial Intelligence and School of Integrated Circuits in Peking University.
Meng Li | Faculty | The People of Rice - Rice University
Meng Li is Noah Harding Assistant Professor of Statistics at Rice University. Before joining Rice, Dr. Li was a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistical Science at Duke University (2015-2017).
Meng Li - Profile | Bauer College of Business at UH
Profile page for the faculty, staff and doctoral student directory for the C. T. Bauer College of Business at the University of Houston.
Meng Li
Associate Professor. Department of Statistics Rice University. Contact Info: 6100 Main Street, MS 138 Houston, TX 77005, USA Office: Maxfield Hall 214 Phone: (713) 348-3891 Fax: (713) 348-5476 E-mail: meng at rice.edu
Meng Li - Home
Hi, my name is Meng Li; in Chinese my name "Meng 朦" means soft moonlight. I'm current a USDA NIFA Postdoc Fellow in Prof. Benedetto Marelli's group at MIT. My current research focuses on developing biopolymeric devices to boost animal health in aquaculture and plant health in agriculture.
Meng Li - Loyola Marymount University
Dr. Meng Li is an ethnographer and a cultural analyst. Combining interpersonal/family communication and media studies, her research has centered on issues of family change, social inequality, and rural-urban migration in China.
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Meng Li, Ph.D.
My research focuses on studying the multiscale structure–function– relationships of complex adaptive materials systems and to understand how they respond under external stimuli and manifest advanced functions.
CV - Meng Li, Ph.D.
Meng Li, Tao Li, "AI automation and retailer regret in supply chains." Production and Operations Management, 2022, forthcoming.
Meng Li - Google Scholar
Does inventory pooling improve customer service levels?