meaning - What does 'to be maxed out' mean? - English …
2014年4月23日 · max out: to reach the limit of one's capacity, endurance, etc. I think the above definition may fit, though more details about the dialogue may help to understand the context.
What is the origin of the phrase "Gag me with a spoon"?
2014年5月27日 · Like barfme out; gag me with a spoon. “Oh migosh! I'm getting a used four-wheel-drive. That's going to be like really, like a lot of money - I'm freakin' out, I'm sure. But, I …
Does "maximum" stand before or after a number? [closed]
2021年11月11日 · The word max is an informal [Lexico; Collins for the 'British usage'] or slang [AHD; Collins for the 'American usage'] word that is a whole word in itself. It could mean …
verbs - "try" or "try out" (difference?) - English Language & Usage ...
2011年5月2日 · To try out can mean either to attempt to qualify for a team sport. Sheila plans to try out for the cheerleading squad. or, when used with an object, to see whether one wants to …
single word requests - What is the name for the glove worn to …
2015年10月1日 · Is there a specific name for the thick glove worn (or may be any cloth used) to touch hot dishes in the oven? For example, we wear a glove and take the dish containing …
What is the meaning of an expression "Tufted titmouse"?
2019年8月30日 · She insists Max has never hurt anyone, but when she sees the bruise on Shaun’s face, Alex says she needs to find a place for Max and there is no shame in finding …
Word or Phrase for someone who pushes others to their full …
2016年4月5日 · I'm looking for a positive word/phrase, preferably something in common usage, that can be used to compliment someone (a professor in this instance) who pushes others …
Is "out" a preposition or an adverb in these sentences?
I'd say 'get out of' constitutes the transitive multi-word verb in OP's first example. It is a marginally variable idiom (other than get / gets / got etc): 'get the hell out of' (equivalent to adding an …
If you are talking "on behalf of" you and someone else, what is the ...
I looked at a bunch of style guides to see what they have to say on this subject. The vast majority of them dedicate at least a paragraph to the distinction (or nondistinction) between "in behalf …
Is there a difference between "cash paid" and "cash tendered"?
The two phrases are often used interchangeably, in a conversational context. For casual usage, cash paid is more informal and more common than cash tendered.