Luca Giordano - 186 artworks - painting - WikiArt.org
Luca Giordano (18 October 1634 – 12 January 1705) was an Italian late Baroque painter and printmaker in etching. Fluent and decorative, he worked successfully in Naples and Rome, Florence and Venice, before spending a decade in Spain.
Luca Giordano - 186 artworks - painting - WikiArt.org
Luca Giordano: List of works - All Artworks by Date 1→10
Luca Giordano - 186 obras de arte - pintura - WikiArt.org
Luca Giordano (Nápoles, 18 de outubro de 1634 — idem, 3 de janeiro de 1705) foi um pintor italiano que esteve ativo sobretudo em Nápoles, Florença, Madrid e Roma. Artista celebrado e extremamente prolífico, tinha o cognome de Luca Fapresto ("Luca faz depressa") pelos seus contemporâneos pela inusitada rapidez com que pintava.
盧卡‧佐丹奴 - 186 件藝術品 - 畫作 - WikiArt.org
卢卡·焦尔达诺 (Luca Giordano,1634年10月18日 - 1705年1月12日),意大利画家,生于那不勒斯。
Plato, 1660 - Luca Giordano - WikiArt.org
‘Plato’ was created in 1660 by Luca Giordano in Baroque style. Find more prominent pieces of portrait at Wikiart.org – best visual art database.
The Dream of Solomon, 1693 - Luca Giordano - WikiArt.org
‘The Dream of Solomon’ was created in 1693 by Luca Giordano in Baroque style. Find more prominent pieces of religious painting at Wikiart.org – best visual art database.
Mythological Scene with the Rape of Proserpine - WikiArt.org
2015年9月3日 · ‘Mythological Scene with the Rape of Proserpine’ was created in 1685 by Luca Giordano in Baroque style. Find more prominent pieces of allegorical painting at Wikiart.org – best visual art database.
The Triumph of Judith, 1704 - Luca Giordano - WikiArt.org
‘The Triumph of Judith’ was created in 1704 by Luca Giordano in Baroque style. Find more prominent pieces of allegorical painting at Wikiart.org – best visual art database.
The Visitation, 1683 - Luca Giordano - WikiArt.org
‘The Visitation’ was created in 1683 by Luca Giordano in Baroque style. Find more prominent pieces of religious painting at Wikiart.org – best visual art database.
Luca Giordano - 186 obras de arte - pintura - WikiArt.org
Luca Giordano: Lista de trabalhos - Todas as obras de arte por data 1→10