lower leg spasms/twitching/cramping/ - HealthBoards Message …
2010年8月28日 · For the past month I have had constant leg twitching and spasms in my lower leg muscles-calves. They have been progressively getting worse as each day passes. To a point of actually moving up into my thighs and buttocks. I know this is something more than RLS because sometimes I feel like someone just wrapped up my thigh with an ace bandage.
Muscle Twitching & Arm/Leg Jerking! What's Causing This To …
2006年3月3日 · Angel of light, I have chronic muscle twitching ,it started after months of chronic muscle spasms.I have not taken any meds in years prior to the muscle cramps.My muscles twitch on a constant basis and annoying as all get out.The muscle jerks I have experienced have been in all 4 limbs and can happen at rest or sitting in a chair,occasionally they are painful.My …
Healthboards - Brain & Nerves - Neuropathy: Leg Twitching...
2011年6月29日 · In the past week or so Kath is telling me that while I sleep my legs are twitching a LOT. I notice in the evening they will esp. my left thigh and foot. BUT it seems this has gotten worse over time. I haven't changed any meds and am working the same job/driving the same amount. Has twitching gotten worse all the
Constant calf muscle spasm/twitching cramps - HealthBoards …
2010年6月1日 · Im 28 years old, and for a few months now, both my calfs have been constantly twitching/cramping. You can actually see my muscles rippling around under the skin. It looks as though there is something in there crawling around, and looks a bit freaky. It doesnt really cause me much discomfort, but it is something I am
Bone Joint Muscle - Back Problems: Piriformis Syndrome?
2012年7月29日 · Three months ago, I woke up in the middle of the night with my right leg numb. For the last three months, I have had nerve pain (pins and needles), muscle twitching, trembling (like vibrating), and numbness in my right foot, leg, and buttock. I have had a little bit in my left leg too, but the majority is the right.
Liver & Pancreas Disorders: Twitching feeling on right side below
2011年12月6日 · I have a twitching (or movement like from being pregnant) right below my ribs. It does sometimes extend a little lower but mostly right below my ribs to the center right side. I haven't seen a doctor yet. Was trying to avoid the arm & leg of a bill that will come after the visit. Mine although doesn't hurt, just annoying twitching.
Health Issues - General Health: Benadryl and muscle twitches
2008年8月15日 · Does anyone experience muscle twitchesafter taking benadryl? The back of my leg (hamstring) is quivering and twitching and I just took benadryl about an hour ago. It doesn't help that I had a coke too. I know my neurologist said that sudefed causes pretty bad muscle twitches. I was so relieved to find that out.
Muscle twitching and other strange symptoms - HealthBoards …
2013年9月2日 · I have been having muscle twitching in my ankles, feet, legs, sometimes even my face when I am really anxious. I made the mistake of googling and now have some very severe anxiety about ALS, although Women - Menopause: Muscle twitching and other strange symptoms
Muscle Twitching & Arm/Leg Jerking! What's Causing This To …
2006年4月27日 · Although I'd like to add that my leg and arm twitches seem to be connected, i.e. my right leg jerks, then it seems to travel through me to my right arm and it jerks too. It started off as little jerks that weren't very noticeable, now they are getting pretty violent.
I don't know what's wrong!! Lip twitching? - HealthBoards …
2014年7月26日 · Like if someone even touches me I spaz out or my foot or whatever was touched jerks away really quickly. I have to think about what I want to say before I say it because I will mess my words up. This morning though my bottom lip was twitching. It went away after a few mins though and sometimes my leg muscles will have small twitches.