约 4 个结果

C++ code file extension? What is the difference between .cc and …
I have seen C++ code saved as both .cc and .cpp files. Which of these (or another!) is the best practice/most modern/best to use? The Google style guide seems to suggest .cc, are there …
What is the output format for symbol size in output of nm utility
I am using the following command nm -B -l -r --size-sort --print-size binaryName| grep ' B ' Sample output: 00000000166140e0 0000000000aae608 B tax_dtl_buf Here 00000000166140e0 is the …
Lookup an EJB by local interface in a multi module project
2017年8月6日 · I'm trying to made EJB lookups by ServiceLocator without hardcoded the JNDI name, using only the local interface name.
XSD: What is the difference between xs:integer and xs:int?
2013年3月11日 · The xs:integer type is a restriction of xs:decimal, with the fractionDigits facet set to zero and with a lexical space which forbids the decimal point and trailing zeroes which …