Classic-rock Radio Rock | Kwpt | California
KWPT is The Best Live and Rock and Roll Radio
There are currently no applications on file with the Federal Communications Commission for KWPT for which local public notice is required by the FCC’s Rules. This notice is included on KWPT’s website pursuant to Section 73.3580 (b) (2) (ii) of the FCC’s Rules. This page was last updated on November 30, 2021.
DJs | kwpt
Chuck is the afternoon guy on The Point, also produces special programming for KWPT and is co-host of The Humboldt Chronicles airing on all of our stations. His radio experience includes music, politics, public policy and news. Chuck is an Oakland A's fan and, after a loss, tries to avoid playing too much brooding Pink Floyd. He's also a jazz fan and recommends Jelly Roll Morton, …
EVENTS - kwpt
Bot or Not? October 26th - 31st This Halloween, in addition to spiders, ghosts, bats and clowns, we inject Artificial Intelligence. Yes, AI. It's coming for all of us. We begin your training in the art of telling apart the work of a bot and the work of a human. Twice a day, from October 26 - 31, we'll post two short paragraphs about fear and horror. You have to figure out which story of fright ...
THE 4:20 MOMENT Hosted By: CHUCK ROGERS | Mon-Fri: 4:20PM Every weekday around 4:20pm, The Point observes the time by playing music for your headspace with a cannabis themed song. ARTIST OF THE DAY Hosted By: JAY COLLINS | Mon-Fri: 11AM-11:30AM Every weekday morning The Point showcases rare and unique tracks from a featured artist or band …
All decisions of station management regarding the awarding of the prizes, the selection of the winners and the interpretation of these rules shall be final. Each contestant, by virtue of entering the contest, agrees to accept the decision of the station as final.
Find Your Favorite Song Easily from Our Classic Rock Live Playlist.
EEO ANNUAL REPORT August 1, 2018, to August 1, 2019 On March 10, 2003, the Federal Communications Commission instituted new EEO reporting and recordkeeping rules designed to track a station's recruitment and hiring practices. The rules required a posting of certain tabulations of those efforts on the station's website and in the Public File, which is maintained …
Sweaters, T-Shirts, Accessories, & More. All Classic Rock Original Designs! OUT OF ORDERKWPT's Classic Rock Original Merch