KSSS, truth or hype - fungifun.org
2004年11月4日 · KSSS, truth or hype October 15, 2004, 10:49:27 AM Browsing the various strains offered by the vendors, and one raves that the Thai Koh Samui Super Strain (KSSS) …
KSSS small fruits and potency - Have you been experienced?
2021年2月15日 · I took 4.1 grams of ksss back when the spores first hit the open market, put on the fellowship of the ring and it was like I was riding the adventure right along with the hobbits, …
KSSS - Mushroom Cultivation - Shroomery Message Board
2005年8月15日 · thremix man... havent seen ya around lately, guess ive been slackin too though. but the KSSS is definately a beautiful strain. IME the tend to have more red in the caps than …
Koh samui super strain (the real deal) : r/shroomers - Reddit
2019年8月26日 · Nice. My wife and I just finished harvesting KSSS. 19g dehydrated, and watching very healthy 2nd flush pins grow now. We're stoked about the yield for our first …
KSSS Shrooms Abnormally Short? - Mushroom Cultivation
2022年2月28日 · KSSS is likely just a more domesticated version of Koh Samui, so if you plan to use multispore, try the Super Strain, and if you work with agar, stick with the original. Many …
[Actives] Any reason why these KSSS are only growing to the
One thing to consider is varietys like ksss are low spore droppers and generally we don't go by veil like a standard. Many similar varietys will drop early but continue to grow well beyond. If …
Is all KSSS created equal? - Shroomery
2009年3月20日 · KSSS and KS get confused a lot. I've received regular KS that was labeled KSSS in trades more than once. I don't know if people think they're the same or what. The …
[Actives] Anyone have any experience with the Koh Samui Super
2019年11月25日 · I got my spores for KSSS from mushrooms.com, their pictures even show them looking like normal cubes. The ones I grew, using said spores, looked exactly like normal …
Koh Samui Super STRAIN- WHEN TO HARVEST?????? - Mushroom …
2005年6月7日 · I had some KSSS that didn't get veils.. I just picked em when they started drying out, and growth had stalled.. Then I filled my bread pans w/casings in 'em w/ice cold water, let …
Ksss - Mushroom Cultivation - Shroomery Message Board
2017年3月7日 · Has anyone had any experience with growing this strain on cakes? How did they perform I have a syringe ready for inoculation tomorrow but I hear different things about this …