I wanna main kled any tips? : r/KledMains - Reddit
2022年8月27日 · Kled's remount works something like this: To remount, you need to get 100 courage. Autoattacks on champions give 15, champions you've hit in the last 3 seconds give 20 upon dying, each of 5 dismounted q pellets gives 5 courage, autoattacks on drags and towers give 5, lane creeps give 4 and gromp gives 20 for some reason.
Kled, The Cantankerous Cavalier - Reddit
r/KledMains: A subreddit dedicated to all the mains of the League of Legends champion named Kled!
How to beat Kled? : r/KledMains - Reddit
18 votes, 23 comments. true. You need to play champs that either have a really good early game and just out damage kled (darius) or champs that scale well (fiora, jax, camille etc.) and in terms of mechanically beating him just bait out his W (4 fast AA's) and then engage on him when they are down and if you have any executes in your kit make sure you only use them when kled is …
Is kled Jungle a thing? : r/KledMains - Reddit
2023年10月9日 · Jg Kled is hard at the start because you lack sustain, I sometimes play him there and he becomes really good with ravenous, Fleet Footwork helps a lot because it doesn't diminish in jg. Once you get tiamat cleaning feels much better, I max W because of overall damage and it helps remounting, it also procs Fleet Footwork faster.
A quick list of Kled tips for anybody first learning him.
2021年6月1日 · The best tip for new Kled players: how to quickly remount Wait for W to be off CD, EQ on the enemy and let him dismount you, quickly auto 4 times + Q shot in their face + 1 last auto = remount. tldr: 5 autos + full hit Q = remount
Final kled changes : r/KledMains - Reddit
Kled loves ad but the champ loves to go in Jake more than anything and hp has always been relevant for enabling aggressive dives. Literally his default build basically up until last preseason has been titanic+black cleaver, almost half the budget on those items is fucking hp.
Kled v Gnar : r/KledMains - Reddit
2016年9月8日 · As a Gnar main, I have found it to be very much a skill matchup. Both champs have great outplay potential and chase, Gnar is better at kiting, Mini is ranged, Kled has Beartrap for CC, both have regenerating health through their "transformations" (mini to mega and when Kled gets Skaarl back).
Okay, so, Kled seems to be the champ that i cannot win against, …
2021年12月26日 · Kled also gains bonus moves movespeed towards enemies when unmounted, but has very very low base movespeed running away, therefore he cannot run or he will most likely lose the fight. Champions with execute damage like Cho, Darius or Garen are also very good into kled because they can basically one-shot dismounted kled.
kled overpowered : r/KledMains - Reddit
2018年2月10日 · The thing is with kled is that in the lane, when he has his W up, he is really hard to fight. He will dash on you, and even if he misses his trap he will fuck you up. HOWEVER, and this is the trick to dealing with kled, he can't control when his w is used. Its a passive that activates when he autos something.
Yorick matchup : r/KledMains - Reddit
Since Kled is a skirmisher who likes to initiate teamfights, fighting Yorick dead on is miserable if he gets even sightly ahead. Yorick doesn't fight by his own too. He's useless alone (without minions or Maiden)