Jund - MTG Wiki
Jund is composed of active volcanoes, sharp mountain ledges, and lush jungles. It has a pungent sulfuric atmosphere. The hot climate, bubbling tar-baths, and volcanic activity combine with the reptilian populace to create a sense of a primeval world.
Jund - Wikipedia
Under the early Caliphates, a jund (Arabic: جند; plural ajnad, أجناد) was a military division, which became applied to Arab military territory in the conquered lands and, most notably, to the provinces into which Greater Syria (the Levant) was divided.
JUND Gene - GeneCards | JUND Protein | JUND Antibody
2024年12月25日 · JUND (JunD Proto-Oncogene, AP-1 Transcription Factor Subunit) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with JUND include Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia, Type I and T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Among its related pathways are IL-1 Family Signaling Pathways and ESR-mediated signaling.
All 33 Jund Commanders in Magic Ranked - Draftsim
2024年7月6日 · Jund () takes the best parts of red, green, and black and mixes them together for a brutal combination of big creatures, sacrifice effects, and graveyard play. Jund decks can play like “Gruul () plus black,” “Rakdos () plus green,” and “Golgari () plus red” all at the same time.
The 30 Best Jund Cards in Magic Ranked - Draftsim
2024年9月25日 · Whether you’re smashing faces with big creatures or using devious spells to mess with your opponent’s plans, Jund has some of the best cards around to make your deck truly terrifying.
Black / Red / Green Lands - Jund
All Magic: the Gathering lands that produce black, red, or green mana, updated to Outlaws of Thunder Junction.
Deck Evolutions: Modern Jund - MTGGoldfish
2015年8月27日 · Today I want to look at the evolution of one deck in specific: Modern Jund. If one deck has become synonymous with the Modern format over the past four years, it is probably Jund.
Jund. Monocolor. Mono-White 73K decks. Mono-Blue 86K decks. Mono-Black 109K decks. Mono-Red 99K decks. Mono-Green 57K decks. Colorless 34K decks. Two Color. Azorius 94K decks. Dimir 113K decks. Rakdos 112K decks. Gruul 78K decks. Selesnya 97K decks. Orzhov 139K decks. Izzet 146K decks. Golgari 126K decks. Boros 101K decks. Simic 105K decks ...
The Ultimate Guide to Classic Jund Midrange - TCGplayer Infinite
2025年2月13日 · Thought classic Jund Midrange was dead? Think again. Learn to play the deck like a pro with Reid Duke's in-depth Deep Dive!
Essential role of JunD in cell proliferation is mediated via MYC ...
2019年4月28日 · JunD, a member of the AP-1 family, is essential for cell proliferation in prostate cancer (PCa) cells. We recently demonstrated that JunD knock-down (KD) in PCa cells results in cell cycle arrest in G 1 -phase concomitant with a decrease in cyclin D1, Ki67, and c-MYC, but an increase in p21 levels.