Joint Nordic HTA-Bodies
2024年6月3日 · The Nordic collaboration JNHB offers efficient and transparent joint health technology assessments of medicinal products in the five Nordic countries.
Working with JNHB - JNHB
JNHB collaborates with Nordic Horizon Scanning initiatives and receives information about which new medicinal products, and new indications for already approved products are on the way to …
About - JNHB
The JNHB collaboration aims at: • Supporting timely and equal access to medicinal products for patients in the Nordic countries • Less divergence in HTA methodologies and evidence …
Joint Nordic HTA Bodies (JNHB): further collaborations for ...
2024年8月12日 · On 3rd June 2024, a new collaboration, Joint Nordic HTA Bodies (JNHB), was announced, aiming to streamline health technology assessments (HTAs) in the Nordics …
FINOSE becomes Joint Nordic HTA-Bodies, JNHB - Norwegian ...
2024年4月6日 · JNHB has recently entered a collaboration with the negotiation bodies in the Nordic Pharmaceutical Forum, aiming to further strengthen the Nordic collaborations and …
Over the past decade, several European countries have pooled resources to conduct joint HTA or drug pricing/procurement to ultimately improve access to medicines and secure affordable prices.
Nordic HTA Collaboration Expands To Boost Joint Assessments
2023年10月19日 · The five-country JNHB says that joint assessments mean HTA applications will be handled “efficiently and simultaneously” across the Nordic region, with one point of contact …