Is there a faster alternative to using the arrow keys?
@nick318 use vim editor and configure it to using jkli instead of arrow keys just for programming you can use vim editor which is actually more professional than every other code-editor but …
Remap arrow keys onto JKLI whenever holding down a certain …
2015年6月1日 · Also using AutoHotKey, I really wanted to have key navigation for CAPSLOCK, which is trickier than the special modifier keys (Ctrl, Alt, etc).
autohotkey - Make CAPSLOCK work properly when single-, double …
2019年8月1日 · When CAPSLOCK are held down, in combination with JKLI, CAPSLOCK + JKLI will function as arrow keys (left, down, right, up). Like in goal 2, the status/light of CAPSLOCK …
Map Windows + JILK to Arrow keys using AutoHotKey?
I can't seem to find how to bind X + Y => Z.Most links online show how to do the opposite. I'm trying to achieve this mapping:
Vim users, where do you rest your right hand? - Stack Overflow
2016年6月24日 · Longtime vim users, do you keep your fingers onjkl; or hjkl in normal mode?. Standard touch typing teaches us the home position for the right hand has the index finger on …
Karabiner-Elements map a key to a combination keys
2020年7月31日 · I'm new to Karabiner. As I understand it this program can change the keyboard mapping. I understand and able to use the "Simple modification" "From …
autohotkeys Map Caps + ijkl to arrow keys when doing alt+tab
2020年9月2日 · I have an autohotkeys script to map CapsLock + i j k l to be my arrow keys: CapsLock & h:: Send, {Left down}{Left up} Return CapsLock & k:: Send, {Down …
Vim: <Ctrl-h|j|k|l> for Movement in Insert Mode - Stack Overflow
This works great. I've remapped Caps-Lock key to be Ctrl. This means I can easily move my pinky finger 1cm to the left of the 'a' key and then move with H,J,K,L in Insert Mode.
Mapping <LSGT> + WASD to arrow keys with xkb - Stack Overflow
2022年2月26日 · I am trying to map <LSGT> + WASD to arrow keys. It means, while holding <LSGT> key, WASD should act like arrow keys. Here is the configuration I am using so …
How to Alt-hjkl to move cursor stay in insert mode in vim?
2014年4月26日 · Good Point. My suggestion is more of a workaround then a solution. However, it works fine for my Linux, where all my applications are running in X. (also vim started in …