New 2024 Jeep Compass Trailhawk - Jeep Enthusiast Forums
2024年3月30日 · New 2024 Jeep Compass Trailhawk Jump to Latest 1.1K views 1 reply 1 participant last post by ChrisHuntsPA Mar 30, 2024
Jeep Compass Trailhawk - Rear differential sealing. Oil drain
2022年7月5日 · I have a 2019 Jeep Compass Trailhawk with only 18.000 miles. I have oil leaking at the rear differential. It is exactly in the central area, the one with the driveshaft. The problem is that I asked Jeep Romania, and other services from my country, and no one finds a seal as a replacement for this problem. There is no spare part for that.
2021 Compass Trailhawk Auto Stop Start Unavailable - Jeep Garage
2023年7月15日 · The 2019 Compass Trailhawk, purchased new in 2020, auto-stop rarely worked as I would expect. Could drive for hours and never have it come on (A/C not in use). If on a long drive, say over 4 hours on a highway, it would then work until I stopped. Once I started again, after for example filling fuel, for 10 or 3 hours, auto-stop not activating.
Clicking/Ticking noise when turning wheels at slow speeds. | Jeep ...
2023年9月12日 · I have a 22' Jeep Compass Trailhawk with only 9000 miles. A couple of weeks ago I started to hear a ticking sound coming from the front wheels when making turns at a slow speed. Since then, the noise has progressively gotten worse by the day. I've taken it to the dealership who recommended replacing the front strut assembly covered under warranty.
2018 Jeep Compass Trailhawk
2023年1月15日 · I had the same problem and was told it was caused by the touch screen delaminating which was causing the touch screen to think I was pushing buttons, so about a month and a half ago I called Uconnect Customer Support at 800-826-6632 about the delaminating screen on my 2018 Jeep Compass Trail Hawk, they gave me a case number and told me to set up an appointment with a local Jeep dealer to have ...
2018 Jeep Compass Trailhawk Leaking Water Through Rear...
2023年5月3日 · My 2019 Trailhawk Compass often seems damp inside, and the windows can have condensation. Taken to the dealer at 6 and 24 months for review - so far they cannot determine any issue. The rear hatch top rubber seal does not look installed well, or at least not clean-straight lines as I would expect.
Trailhawk vs Compass 4x4? - Jeep Enthusiast Forums
2013年11月24日 · With a trailhawk it would leave a compass or patriot in the dust so to speak on a trail depending on how crazy the trail gets. Biggest weakness of the compass and patriots is because of their lack of lockers they use the brakes (brake lock differential) and with the small engine and low torque they get overwhelmed when the BLD's start to engage.
2022 Jeep Compass Trailhawk and SiriusXMGuardian
2022年5月5日 · The Jeep Compass Hybrid is not being manufactured in the United States at this time, so we are not capable of accessing any additional information on your model. However, the 2022 Jeep Compass line is equipped with the Uconnect 5 system and most likely is equipped with the built-in cellular modem to receive over-the-air updates to your vehicle.
[Solved] Clunking noise from front end, differential? | Jeep …
2022年1月2日 · id check front lower and upper control arms first off with it off the ground by jacking it up and using jack stands. also wiggle the wheel top and bottom and side to side, grab ahold of steering rods see if you get any rotation of them, check shocks and all the front end parts before you truly diagnose what is making this noise. while up you can also check the u Joints and the pinion shaft ...
2022 Compass AEB Unavailable Error | Jeep Garage - Jeep Forum
2022年12月17日 · Purchased my 2022 Jeep Compass Trailhawk in January 2022. All was well until a few months ago. Pretty much every safety feature in the safety package intermittently work. When driving, the dashboard will randomly go off with “AEB unavailable, please service” immediately followed by the same...