James T. Kirk - Wikipedia
James Tiberius Kirk, often known as Captain Kirk, is a fictional character in the Star Trek media franchise. Originally played by Canadian actor William Shatner, Kirk first appeared in Star Trek …
William Shatner - Wikipedia
In a career spanning seven decades, he is best known for his portrayal of James T. Kirk in the Star Trek franchise, from his 1966 debut as the captain of the starship Enterprise in the …
James T. Kirk - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
James Tiberius Kirk is a fictional character in the television and movie franchise Star Trek. He the captain of the Starship Enterprise. He served on not only The Original Series but after that …
James T. Kirk | Memory Alpha | Fandom
James T. Kirk, a renowned Starfleet officer, held pivotal roles including captain of the Federation's flagship and admiral. His tenure made him a notable figure in Starfleet history. As the …
Kobayashi Maru - Wikipedia
William Shatner as Captain James T. Kirk. Kirk is the only character credited in live-action Star Trek with succeeding in the Kobayashi Maru test. The test is introduced in the opening of Star …
James T. Kirk | Heroes Wiki | Fandom
Captain James Tiberius "Jim" Kirk is the main protagonist of the original science-fiction television series Star Trek, its animated sequel series and and the 1979-1991 original film series. He …
James T. Kirk - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
James Tiberius Kirk adalah seorang tokoh dalam serial Star Trek kapten kapal luar angkasa yang paling terkenal dan berjasa di dalam sejarah Starfleet.
James T. Kirk - Wikipedia
James T. Kirk, nome completo James Tiberius Kirk, soprannominato Jim Kirk, è un personaggio immaginario dell'universo fantascientifico di Star Trek, apparso in serie televisive, film, …
Chris Pine - Wikipedia
Christopher Whitelaw Pine (born August 26, 1980) is an American actor. He is best known for his roles as James T. Kirk in the Star Trek reboot film series (2009–2016) and Steve Trevor in the …
What does T stand for in James T. Kirk? - moviebureau.com
2024年5月25日 · James Tiberius Kirk, commonly known as James T. Kirk or Captain Kirk, is a fictional character in the Star Trek media franchise. Originally played by Canadian actor …