How to execute a java script with jshell? - Stack Overflow
2017年7月5日 · Given that Java 9 is upon us and we can finally have a java REPL with jshell I was hoping there was a way to add a shebang to a script and have jshell interpret it. I tried creating test.jsh: #!/...
java - How to run a JShell File? - Stack Overflow
2017年9月26日 · D:\>type file.jsh 3 + 5 D:\>type file.jsh | jshell -v | Welcome to JShell -- Version 13.0.2 | For an introduction type: /help intro jshell> $1 ==> 8 | created scratch variable $1 : int jshell> Note: file should contain a blank line (/n) after the last line, else the last line is …
'jshell' is not recognized as an internal or external command
The same problem has happened to me. Uninstall and Install the right JDK from Oracle website. steps: 1. Control Panel > System & Security > System > Change Setting > Advance > Change Environment Variable > System Variable > New > Variable Name:"Path" & Variable Value: "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-10.0.1\bin" (address of the bin)> ok
java - Can the jshell command `/open` work relatively to the folder ...
2017年10月16日 · I have two jshell scripts script.jsh and commons.jsh in the same folder /path/folder. script.jsh: /open commons.jsh commons.jsh: System.out.println("commons.jsh loaded") If I am in /path/folder, I can run jshell script.jsh and it works well
Sending commands to server via JSch shell channel
2010年11月16日 · I can't figure it out how I can send commands via JSch shell channel. I do this, but it doesn't work: JSch shell = new JSch(); String command = "cd home/s/src"; Session session = shell.getSession
java - "Invalid privatekey" when using JSch - Stack Overflow
Try using this dependency in your maven pom.xml and ensure that you check from which JSH class dependency is getting used in your code . Sometimes older dependency gets picked . Here using below dependency even OPEN SSH KEY will work fine
java - Cannot execute .jsh file on JShell - Stack Overflow
2023年1月31日 · I'm a beginner at programming and practicing Java (using MacOS and jdk.17) but have been instructed to use JShell to deal with smaller/snippets of Java code. I installed JShell, opened a text editor to create and compile a file called Intro.jsh with the code: System.out.println("Hello!
connection - What is the default timeout for Session and Channel …
2015年1月20日 · For the Session, the default timeout is set using the setTimeout() method. If not set, the default default is 0, what means "infinite".
List all files in remote server using JSch - Stack Overflow
2016年2月12日 · I am trying to list all the files/directory from a remote server using JSch. But my problem is JSch list all the files with file creation date, time stamp, type of read/write permission etc..,
JSch: How to keep the session alive and up - Stack Overflow
2013年4月21日 · I'm writing Java GUI program for static route management using SSH. My code is as follows: import com.jcraft.jsch.*; import java.io.*; public class Konsep { String status; static String