JCM Industries
JCM is a leading manufacturer of pipe fittings and fabrications for the repair, connection and branching of all types of pipe.
Journal of Clinical Medicine | An Open Access Journal from MDPI
Open Access — free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions. High Visibility: indexed within Scopus, SCIE (Web of Science), PubMed, PMC, Embase, CAPlus / SciFinder, and other databases.
JCM Racing | NHRA Drag Racing
JCM Racing proudly as an all-woman team featuring Ida Zetterstrom & Alexis DeJoria for the 2025 NHRA season.
Home – JCM Global
JCM Global is the worldwide leader in currency and transaction management. We connect, listen, and partner with our customers to develop and deliver innovative solutions for a diverse range of industries including gaming, vending, retail, financial, …
Journal of Clinical Microbiology Journal Homepage
Journal of Clinical Microbiology® publishes the most current research related to the lab diagnosis and management of human and animal infections. Read and join our community.
JCM Corp
JCM is a world class, state-of-the-art manufacturer of precision machined components for the aerospace, commercial, defense and medical industries.
JCM Register - jtnc.experience.crmforce.mil
The Joint Communications Marketplace (JCM) is a knowledge repository for tactical communications products and technologies. It is also a collaboration environment enabling the exchange of information between Government stakeholders and Industry.
Model #201 | Steel Couplings | Connection Fittings - JCM Industries
Steel couplings for joining steel, galvanized, PVC and other pipe with standard steel dimensions 1/2″ – 24″. Available for cast iron and other pipe in sizes 14″ and larger. JCM 201 Couplings – …
JCM - YouTube
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Company Profile – JCM Global
For more than 50 years, customers have trusted JCM to develop innovative currency solutions for a diverse range of industries, including gaming, vending, retail, financial, transportation, security, and custom application.