How to Screen Share Using Intel Wireless Display WiDi
2024年10月4日 · Dell and Intel Wireless Display Overview. Intel Wireless Display (WiDi) was a technology that allowed you to share content being displayed on your computer monitor wirelessly with a compatible display or HDTV. It removed the need for cables, and allowed you to display your videos and movies in another room.
Intel Wireless Display Application | Driver Details | Dell US
2015年10月26日 · This package contains the Intel Wireless Display application. Intel Wireless Display (WiDi) technology enables you to stream content without relying on wires.
Sådan deler du skærmen ved hjælp af Intel Wireless Display WiDi
Intel Wireless Display (WiDi) var en teknologi, der gjorde det muligt for dig at dele indhold, der vises på din computerskærm trådløst med en kompatibel skærm eller HDTV. Det fjernede behovet for kabler og gav dig mulighed for at vise dine videoer og film i et andet rum.
Näytön jakaminen Intel Wireless Display WiDi: n avulla
Intel Wireless Display (WiDi) oli tekniikka, jonka avulla voit jakaa tietokoneen näytössä näytettävää sisältöä langattomasti yhteensopivan näytön tai HDTV: n kanssa. Se poisti kaapeleiden tarpeen ja antoi sinun näyttää videosi ja elokuvasi toisessa huoneessa.
Partage d’écran à l’aide d’Intel Wireless Display WiDi
Remarque : Intel a interrompu la commercialisation et le développement des applications Intel Wireless Display (Intel WiDi) et Intel Pro Wireless Display (Intel Pro WiDi) et des programmes de certification des récepteurs associés. Pour en savoir plus, consultez Avis d’arrêt de produit pour Intel WiDi et Intel Pro WiDi .
Intel Wireless Display | Driver Details | Dell US
2016年5月19日 · This package provides the driver for Intel Wireless Display and is supported on the Inspiron 22 Model 3263 Series running the following Windows operating systems: Windows 10.
Jak sdílet obrazovku pomocí Intel Wireless Display WiDi
Tento článek obsahuje informace o technologii Intel Wireless Display (WiDi) a hardwarových požadavcích pro technologii Intel Wireless Display. Zjistěte, jak pomocí technologie Intel Wireless Display sdílet obrazovku notebooku s televizorem nebo podporovaným bezdrátovým zobrazovacím zařízením.
Intel Wireless Display Connection Manager Application
2013年5月29日 · This package provides the Intel Wireless Display Connection Manager Application and is supported on Inspiron N5110 and Vostro Notebook 3550 that are running the following Windows Operating System: Windows 7.
Intel Wireless Display Driver | Driver Details | Dell US
2015年11月10日 · This package contains the Intel Wireless Display driver. Intel Wireless Display (WiDi) technology enables you to stream content without relying on wires.
Intel Wireless Display (WiDi) Users May Encounter Various Issues
2022年10月6日 · During pre-release testing of Dell computers, Users encountered various problems when trying to use Intel WiDi with Windows 10. These issues include but are not limited to: Network Connectivity Issues; Degraded Audio; Jittery Video; Hanging of the Wireless Display