Intel® Core™ i3-3240 Processor
Intel® Core™ i3-3240 Processor (3M Cache, 3.40 GHz) quick reference with specifications, features, and technologies.
Intel Core i3-3240 Specs | TechPowerUp CPU Database
The Intel Core i3-3240 is a desktop processor with 2 cores, launched in September 2012. It is part of the Core i3 lineup, using the Ivy Bridge architecture with Socket 1155. Thanks to Intel Hyper-Threading the core-count is effectively doubled, to 4 threads.
Intel Core i3-3240 Benchmark - PassMark Software
Benchmarks for the Intel Core i3-3240 can be found below. Release dates, price and performance comparisons are also listed when available. This is made using thousands of PerformanceTest benchmark results and is updated daily.
英特尔® 酷睿™ i3-3240 处理器
英特尔® 酷睿™ i3-3240 处理器(3M 高速缓存,3.40 GHz) 规格快速参考、功能和技术。
Intel Core i3-3240 - Benchmark, Test and Specs
The processor Intel Core i3-3240 is developed on the 22 nm technology node and architecture Ivy Bridge S. Its base clock speed is 3.40 GHz, and maximum clock speed in turbo boost - No turbo. Intel Core i3-3240 contains 2 processing cores.
Intel Core i3-3240 - CM8063701137900 / BX80637I33240 / …
Intel Core i3-3240 desktop CPU: latest news, detailed specifications, benchmarks, side by side comparison, FAQ, pictures and more from CPU-World
Intel Core i3 3240 (3rd Gen) - full specs, benchmarks and review
A detailed list of technical data, specifications, benchmarks and expert review of Intel Core i3 3240 (3rd Gen). Get a comprehensive look at your chosen processor and see if this is the one that will best suit your needs.
UserBenchmark: Intel Core i3-3240 vs i5-7400
Based on 272,055 user benchmarks for the Intel Core i3-3240 and the Core i5-7400, we rank them both on effective speed and value for money against the best 1,477 CPUs.
UserBenchmark: Intel Core i3-3240
Typical Core i3-3240 Builds (Compare 11,063 builds) See popular component choices, score breakdowns and rankings
Intel® Core™ i3-3240 Processor
Intel® Core™ i3-3240 Processor (3M Cache, 3.40 GHz) - Download supporting resources inclusive drivers, software, bios, and firmware updates.
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