Gregory "Greg" Heffley is a middle school student who attends Larry Mack Junior Middle School and is the titular protagonist of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, as well as the main antagonist and supporting character of the Diary of an Awesome Friendly Kid series.
Gregory "Greg" Heffley is a fictional character in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid franchise, serving as the antiheroic main protagonist and unreliable narrator of the books, online series, and multimedia franchise.
Gregory "Greg" Heffley is the main protagonist and antihero of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series. He is the middle child of the Heffley family , and his older brother is Rodrick while his younger brother is Manny Heffley .
Gregory "Greg" Heffley is the titular protagonist of Disney's animated Diary of a Wimpy Kid film series. He is the kid who dreams of becoming rich and famous, but he was stuck in middle school with morons surrounding him.
Join Greg Heffley in three hilarious and heartfelt Diary of a Wimpy Kid animated films as he tackles friendships, family dynamics, and sometimes moldy cheese —- promising laughs and fun for viewers of all ages!
Gregory "Greg" James Heffley is the "wimpy kid" and protagonist of The Diary of a Wimpy Kid books and films. He loves video games like Twisted Wizard, and hates anything outside. He is played by Zachary Gordon in the film trilogy. Greg's best friend is Rowley Jefferson.
Explore 12 fascinating facts about Greg Heffley, the memorable character from 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid.' From his Macy's Parade balloon debut to his unique comic book talent, get to know Greg in a whole new way.