Introducing Google Cast
Google Cast delivers multi-screen TV and audio experiences with speakers. Casting is as simple as pressing a button from your favorite app. Watch your favorites on the TV while switching to another app. Listen to your top tunes while taking a phone call or sending a text, all without interrupting what's playing on the speakers.
Einführung in Google Cast
Mit Google Cast können Sie Ihre Geräte mit Ihrem Fernseher oder Ihren Lautsprechern verbinden, um das beste Bild und den besten Sound zu genießen. Tippen Sie dazu einfach auf die Schaltfläche zum Streamen in Ihrer Lieblings-App und schon können Sie loslegen.
Cast media from Google Cast-enabled apps to your TV or display
Cast from Google Cast-enabled apps to your TV. Make sure the mobile device, tablet, or computer you're using to cast is on the same Wi-Fi network as your Chromecast, Google TV Streamer (4K), or TV with Google Cast. Open a Google Cast-enabled app. Tap the Cast button . The Cast button isn't located in the same place across all Google Cast ...
Ti presentiamo Google Cast
Google Cast offre esperienze audio e TV multischermo con gli altoparlanti Per trasmettere è sufficiente premere un pulsante della tua app preferita. Guarda i tuoi contenuti preferiti sulla TV mentre passi a un'altra app. Senti i tuoi brani più ascoltati mentre rispondi a una telefonata o invii un messaggio, il tutto senza interrompere la ...
Cast from a device to Google TV
Connect your device to the same Wi-Fi network as your Google TV. Open the app that has the content you want to cast. In the app, find and select Cast . On your device, select the name of your TV. When Cast changes color, you're successfully connected. Tip: To stop casting, on your device, select Cast Disconnect.
Conheça o Google Cast - Ajuda do Google Cast
O Google Cast oferece experiências de TV multitela e áudio com alto-falantes. Para fazer uma transmissão, basta pressionar um botão no seu app favorito. Você pode assistir conteúdos na TV enquanto usa outro aplicativo e ouvir suas músicas preferidas durante uma …
Presentamos Google Cast - Ayuda de Google Cast
Con Google Cast, tu teléfono se convierte en un mando a distancia personalizado que puedes utilizar para navegar, reproducir y pausar contenido, e incluso crear listas de reproducción. Puedes enviar contenido a tu televisión o a tus altavoces desde smartphones y tablets Android, iPhones, iPads, Chromebooks y ordenadores Mac y Windows.
Medien über für Google Cast optimierte Apps auf einen Fernseher …
An welcher Stelle sich das Cast-Symbol befindet, hängt von der verwendeten für Google Cast optimierten App ab. Tippe auf das Gerät, auf das du streamen möchtest. Wenn du nicht streamen kannst, musst du möglicherweise auf eine neue Version der für Google Cast optimierten App warten, die das Streamen auf Geräten mit iOS 13 unterstützt.
How to cast: A quick start guide - Streaming Help - Google Help
Step 2. Download the Google Home app On your mobile device or tablet, download the Home app . Step 3. Set up Chromecast Follow the Chromecast setup instructions. Step 4. Cast content. Learn how to cast from Chrome or Chromecast-enabled apps to your TV. For more help with Android phones, go to Cast music & video from your phone to a device.
Przedstawiamy Google Cast
Dzięki Cast telefon staje się spersonalizowanym pilotem. Za jego pomocą możesz przeglądać, uruchamiać i wstrzymywać odtwarzanie, a nawet tworzyć playlisty. Na telewizor lub głośniki możesz przesyłać treści z tabletów i smartfonów z Androidem, z iPhone'a oraz iPada, a także z Maca, komputera z systemem Windows i Chromebooka.