Geshe - Wikipedia
Geshe (Tibetan: དགེ་བཤེས་, Wylie: dge-bshes, short for dge-ba'i bshes-gnyen, "virtuous friend"; translation of Skt. kalyāņamitra) or geshema is a Tibetan Buddhist academic degree for monks and nuns. The degree is emphasized primarily by the Gelug lineage, but is also awarded in the Sakya and Bön traditions.
What is a Geshe? - Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia
The title "Geshe" is not just a name for a graduate. In the monastic system we believe that to graduate as a Geshe is to create the karmic imprints to take rebirth in Shambhala. "Ge" means "virtue" and "she" means "knowing." Geshe thus means one who knows virtue, one who knows what should be practiced
What is a Geshe? - Mandala Publications - FPMT
2014年1月14日 · The title “Geshe” is not just a name for a graduate. In the monastic system we believe that to graduate as a Geshe is to create the karmic imprints to take rebirth in Shambhala. “Ge” means “virtue” and “she” means “knowing.” Geshe thus means one who knows virtue, one who knows what should be practiced and what should be ...
Geshe - Encyclopedia of Buddhism
Geshe (T. dge bshes) is a Tibetan abbreviation for dge-ba'i bshes-gnyen (Skt. kalyāṇamitra), meaning "virtuous friend." This term is used in two senses: In general Mahayana usage, it refers to a spiritual friend (kalyāṇamitra)
What is a Geshe? Among the sects of Tibetan Buddhism, the Gelug school places the most rigorous emphasis on philo-sophical study, administrating a scholastic degree in large monastic universities that can take two decades or more to complete: the -Geshe" degree. These universities are modeled after the Indian monastic
格西调试精灵 - 上海格西信息科技有限公司 - geshe.com
上海格西信息科技有限公司 - 专注于测试测量、信息与自动化软件 …
Geshe - Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia
Geshe means “good knowledge” in Tibetan. Geshe ; Lit. a spiritual preceptor. A man learned in ecclesiastical law, ‘a kind of Doctor of Divinity’ . The degree is emphasized primarily by the Gelug lineage, but is also awarded in the Sakya and Bön traditions. Geshe : Title equivalent to a PhD in a Tibetan monastery.
格桑嘉措 (新噶當巴) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
格桑嘉措 (藏語: བཀལ་བཟང་རྒྱ་མཚོ།, 威利转写: bskal bzang rgya mtsho, THL: Kelsang Gyatso,1931年7月19日—2022年9月17日) [1],西藏 格魯派 僧侶,為 新噶當巴 的領導者。 他的弟子都尊稱他為格西拉 (Geshe-la) 。 格桑嘉措在六歲時出家,成為格魯派的僧人,經過長期的修學,成功取得 格西 的頭銜。 他隨即在上師 赤絳仁波切 的指示下,在喜瑪拉雅山區進行了十八年的閉關。 他跟隨 第十四世達賴喇嘛 流亡到印度。 但是因為第十四世達賴喇嘛後來公開反對並 …
拉然巴格西,是藏传佛教格西中级别最高的学衔,也是藏传佛教 显宗 中最高的学位。 每位申请拉然巴格西学位的考僧,必须在拉萨 大昭寺 举行的祈愿大法会期间,通过三大寺 (甘丹寺、 哲蚌寺 和 色拉寺)高僧提出的佛学疑难问题的答辩,并得到认可才能获取这一宗教学衔。 措然巴格西,是仅次于"拉然巴"的一种格西学位。 每位考僧只有通过拉萨 小昭寺 举行的大法会,并在拉萨三大寺众高僧前答辩佛教 经律论 取胜,才能获得这一宗教学衔。 林赛格西,该学衔排在 措然巴格西 …