Tips for grinding Gold FHJ-18 as fast as possible. (Probably the ...
2020年9月5日 · -The FHJ will only lock on to the front part of the Transform Shield. -The FHJ will lock on to Transform Shields deployed by your teammates too and destroying them WILL count towards the camo mission. -The FHJ will also lock on to your own Transform Shields, but destroying them will NOT count towards the camo missions.
What’s the point of having SMRS when FHJ is way better?
2021年7月21日 · FHJ should only fire when fully locked on. (Should've never changed it in the first place) Increase lock on time of the FHJ. (Before the nerf) SMRS should one shot the UAVs. Remove the SMRS absurd vertical recoil. Increase damage radius (50dmg or so) of the SMRS. (5m) Increase kill radius of the SMRS.
Since people don't know that this thing exists, its called the FHJ, …
I keep two fhj loadouts on quick reserve, one with ghost for chopper gunner/vtol and one with cold blooded for stealth choppers. Mostly just because as posted above, teammates seem to think you can just run around and pretend scorestreaks (and snipers/heavy gunners on alleys) don't exist.
What's your strategy? : r/CallOfDutyMobile - Reddit
Which means it destroys tanks, helicopters, cars and bikes. Also in MP you can use the fhj to blow up cars in one shot so if there are enemies camping behind/or beside the car, you can lock on and blow it up. That's why fhj/knife is my secondary for MP, because pistols aren't as useful for me. The Annihilator is only found in Airdrop in BR and ...
I finally got the FHJ-18 gold : r/CODMobile - Reddit
2021年3月8日 · 99 votes, 47 comments. 125K subscribers in the CODMobile community. Join a community of people sharing and engaging in COD Mobile content, providing…
CODM Guns and Their Real Versions (Large Post)
FHJ-18. The FHJ-18 is a modernized hybrid of the FGM-148 Javelin launcher and the FIM-92 Stinger Launcher, using a massive 127mm wire guided rocket designed for anti-tank use, or a 70mm infrared guided missile. This weapon can only lock onto scorestreaks and derelict cars, unlike the original Javelin. Knives.
What's the Point of an FHJ anymore? : r/CallOfDutyMobile - Reddit
2021年3月16日 · Last week in the game update notes the following was mentioned on the FHJ, *The locking time for FHJ18 is changed to 1 second. *The launching speed of projectiles from FHJ18 is decreased to 110m/s and accelerates to its maximum speed. Now all that is fine IMO. But since when does the FHJ only fly straight now?!
Me trying to use the FHJ-18 for the first time...cto
Fun fact about that, you can target cars with the FHJ-18 on some maps, which means strategically if you have a plan set up you can have people blow up the cars on something like crossfire if you know the enemy team is gonna try to snipe at the cars.
FHJ-18 AA -Weapon Guide [XboxAhoy] : r/blackops2 - Reddit
2013年2月28日 · Mk48 + FMJ, FHJ-18 AA Blind Eye + Cold Blooded Tactician w/ 2xEMP and 2x Black Hat. Use the Black Hats first when taking out Lodestars so there's no missile trail the enemy can spy to take you out, use the EMPs on Guardians, Sentries and AGRs, the Mk48 on helicopters (Mk48 FMJ takes out helis so fast it's ridiculous) and the FHJ on anything else.
How to destroy UAV with FHJ-18, 5 times? : r/CallOfDutyMobile
2020年5月1日 · The Officially Supported Subreddit For Call of Duty: Mobile - A free-to-play shooter video game developed by TiMi Studios and published by Activision for Android and iOS.