Science and Lab — LE - Law Enforcement
FBI Laboratory Information for the Public. The information on this site is for law enforcement. For general information on the FBI Laboratory, visit the fbi.gov Science and Technology page.
Laboratory Division — FBI
We use 20 different forensic science disciplines at the FBI Laboratory, such as DNA, latent fingerprints, general chemistry, toxicology, technical exploitation, etc.
Forensics — LE - Law Enforcement
The FBI Laboratory offers assistance to law enforcement with forensics - including photography, operational projects, and facial services.
Science and Technology — FBI
Whether it’s examining DNA or fingerprints left at a crime scene or linking exploded bomb fragments to terrorists, the FBI Laboratory’s world-class scientists use scientific rigor to solve ...
Scientific Analysis — LE - Law Enforcement
The FBI Laboratory's work is published in peer-reviewed scientific journals and presented at scientific conferences. The FBI Laboratory provides advanced technical support and consultation, including specialized hands-on experience on operational matters.
The FBI Laboratory: 75 Years of Forensic Science Service
2015年7月31日 · Photo of the day: USS Cole commander raises flag at FBI Laboratory, FBI intranet, June 12, 2007. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Ready to help: Our role in bridge collapse probe, Headline ...
Major FBI Laboratory Milestones
A Brief Chronology of the FBI Laboratory, 1923-2007. July 7, 1932 Creation of a “criminological research laboratory” proposed by FBI Agent Charles Appel. September 1932 Lab equipment set up in Room 802 in the Old Southern Railway Building at 13th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. November 24, 1932
The FBI Laboratory: 75 Years of Forensic Science Service
FBI Laboratory examiners completed more than 500 examinations in six weeks, for a total of more than 10,000 examinations of fingerprints, hair, fibers, and tire treads since the first kidnapping occurred in 1996.
The FBI Laboratory: 75 Years of Forensic Science Service
Although the FBI Laboratory does not manage the FBI’s fingerprint files, the Laboratory has always had a crucial role in fingerprint analysis. Early on, the Bureau realized that latent prints recovered at crime scenes could not be searched manually against the large repository of records it …
FBI — The FBI Laboratory: 75 Years of Forensic Science Service ...
The FBI Laboratory continues to advance the forensic sciences by devising and validating new testing and examination methods; developing partnerships in government, academia, and private industry; and sharing resources and expertise with the law enforcement, intelligence, and forensic science communities.