Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve > Home
Who is ESGR? ESGR, a Department of Defense office, was established in 1972 to promote cooperation and understanding between Reserve Component Service members and their …
Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve - ESGR
Recognizing supportive employers is vital to ESGR's mission. ESGR's 54 State Committees actively promote awards as a key element in furthering employer support, while strengthening …
Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve > USERRA > What is USERRA - ESGR
ESGR informs and educates Service members and their civilian employers regarding their rights and responsibilities governed by USERRA. ESGR does not enforce USERRA, but serves as a …
Home page - ESGR Portal
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ESGR - Online Courses
These courses provide important training and resources on ESGR’s mission, policies, and operations. They are intended to help current and prospective ESGR volunteers understand …
About ESGR | Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve – …
ESGR is a DoD program that develops and promotes supportive work environments for Service members in the Reserve Components through outreach, recognition, and educational …
Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve - Wikipedia
Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) is the lead U.S. Defense Department program promoting cooperation and understanding between civilian employers and their …
Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve - ESGR
Each year, Guard and Reserve employees, or a family member acting on their behalf, have the opportunity to nominate their employer for the Employer Support Freedom Award. Nominate …
Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve – Official Events Site
Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve informs and educates Service members and their civilian employers regarding their rights and responsibilities.
About ESGR | Military OneSource
Employer Support of the Guard and reserve is a Defense Department office that works with civilian employers to resolve conflicts that arise due to Reserve Component service members’ …