Dyslexia and medication | Dyslexia.com Resource Site
Dyslexia is not a disease, and thus medication will not cure a person with dyslexia, nor will it help with the dyslexia itself. Rather, dyslexia is the result of a different style of thinking and learning, and is best addressed through educational counseling or tutoring.
Q&A: Medications & Dyslexia | Dyslexia.com Resource Site
Q&A: Medications & Dyslexia From The Dyslexic Reader: Also: Best time for summer dyslexia program; Trouble with little words; Davis program for adults; Post-program follow through
Signs of Dyslexia | Dyslexia.com Resource Site
Davis Dyslexia Association International, the DDAI logo, the phrases Davis Dyslexia Correction, Davis Symbol Mastery, Davis Orientation Counseling, Davis Math Mastery, Davis Learning Strategies, and Dyslexia The Gift are trademarks and service marks of …
Why Drugs and Davis Don't Mix | Dyslexia.com Resource Site
Licensed Davis Facilitators usually will not work with clients taking medications commonly prescribed for ADHD, such as Ritalin, Strattera, or Concerta, as those medications generally interfere with the individual's ability to learn and apply the mental focusing techniques that are integral to the Davis program. Additionally, many medications prescribed for other conditions, …
FAQ: About Dyslexia | Dyslexia.com Resource Site
Professional services described as Davis®, including Davis Dyslexia Correction®, Davis Symbol Mastery®, Davis Orientation Counseling®, Davis® Attention Mastery, Davis® Math Mastery, and Davis® Reading Program for Young Learners may only be provided by persons who are trained and licensed as Davis Facilitators or Specialists by Davis ...
Education vs. Child Development: How Dyslexia Happens
Restoring a person’s self-esteem is truly the most important part of undoing dyslexia and other learning problems, including ADD and hyperactivity. The procedures described in The Gift of Dyslexia . generally enable a “learning disabled” person to gain basic literacy skills during a 30-hour program. After a few months of part-time home ...
Vision Therapy | Dyslexia.com Resource Site
Rather, dyslexia is a learning problem that can be overcome through educational counseling or tutoring. However, many of the symptoms that are commonly associated with dyslexia can also be the result of vision problems. Vision therapy addresses problems that result from weaknesses in eye muscles or other problems in the way the eyes are used ...
professionally assessed and discovered he had dyslexia, a learning difficulty similar to Attention Deficit Disorder. He searched the Internet and learned about Dyslexiability Inc. It offers the Davis Dyslexia Correction program, a medication-free approach that deals with the root of the problem rather than just the symptoms and views dyslexia ...
Ritalin and ADHD | Dyslexia.com Resource Site
Professional services described as Davis®, including Davis Dyslexia Correction®, Davis Symbol Mastery®, Davis Orientation Counseling®, Davis® Attention Mastery, Davis® Math Mastery, and Davis® Reading Program for Young Learners may only be provided by persons who are trained and licensed as Davis Facilitators or Specialists by Davis ...
Understanding Dyslexia | Dyslexia the Gift
Gift of Dyslexia Workshop (in German) – Online – Berlin, Germany 9 September 2023 This 4-day (30 hour) workshop is an introduction to the basic theories, principles and application of…