DEDD - Wikipedia
DED is a protein–protein interaction domain shared by adaptors, regulators and executors of the programmed cell death pathway. Overexpression of this gene was shown to induce weak apoptosis.
DEDD Gene - GeneCards | DEDD Protein | DEDD Antibody
2024年12月24日 · DED is a protein-protein interaction domain shared by adaptors, regulators and executors of the programmed cell death pathway. Overexpression of this gene was shown to induce weak apoptosis.
DEDD - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
An extensive group of 3′–5′ exonucleases is defined by three motifs carrying conserved aspartate and glutamate residues (Figure 1); hence, the alternate designation “DEDD” for this family of nucleases found in eukaryotes as well as prokaryotes.
The DEDD protein is involved in apoptosis, a fundamental biologic process through which multicellular organisms eliminate unwanted cells. DEDD contains a death effector domain (DED), a stretch of about 80 amino acids that is shared by adaptors, regulators, and executors of the apoptotic pathway (summary by Leo et al., 1998).
DEDD, a novel death effector domain‐containing ... - The EMBO …
1998年10月15日 · Here we describe a novel 37 kDa protein, DEDD, that contains an N‐terminal DED. DEDD is highly conserved between human and mouse (98.7% identity) and is ubiquitously expressed. Overexpression of DEDD in 293T cells induced weak apoptosis, mainly through its DED by which it interacts with FADD and caspase‐8.
Identification and Characterization of DEDD l , a Human-Specific ...
Death effector domain (DED) containing molecules are usually involved in the intracellular apoptosis cascade as executioners or regulators. One of these molecules, DEDD, was identified as a final target of the CD95 signaling pathway by which it ...
DEDD death effector domain containing - NIH Genetic Testing …
2024年9月19日 · DED is a protein-protein interaction domain shared by adaptors, regulators and executors of the programmed cell death pathway. Overexpression of this gene was shown to induce weak apoptosis.
DEDD death effector domain containing [ (human)] - National …
DED is a protein-protein interaction domain shared by adaptors, regulators and executors of the programmed cell death pathway. Overexpression of this gene was shown to induce weak apoptosis.
The death effector domain-containing DEDD forms a complex …
Recently, we defined the DEDD molecule as a critical element that maintains the activity of S6K1, thereby supporting the size of β cells and insulin mass in mice . DEDD was initially described as a member of the death effector domain (DED)-containing protein family .
DEDD death effector domain containing [ Homo sapiens (human) ]
2024年12月10日 · DED is a protein-protein interaction domain shared by adaptors, regulators and executors of the programmed cell death pathway. Overexpression of this gene was shown to induce weak apoptosis.