Did anyone have success using Boric Acid for BV?
I found that boric acid works for as long as you take it. Once you stop, within 3 days the odor comes back. With that being said, I tool a risk and started using lactic acid suppositories. Theyre not the capsules, like the boric acid, but solidified cream so to …
Boric Acid for Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) - Natural Remedy - Earth …
2025年2月14日 · How Boric Acid Works for BV. Boric acid is a mildly acidic antiseptic that helps to rebalance vaginal pH levels and eliminate harmful bacteria. Since BV occurs when the vaginal environment becomes too alkaline, boric acid restores the natural acidity required for a healthy vaginal microbiome. How to Use Boric Acid for BV Step-by-Step Instructions:
Top Natural Bacterial Vaginosis Remedies - Earth Clinic
2025年1月3日 · One boric acid capsule is inserted vaginally at bedtime three nights in a row. For prevention of future infections, use one capsule vaginally at bedtime once every two to four weeks. Using one right before or after menstruation can be helpful when BV is related to the monthly menstrual cycle.
Think I have BV but all tests are negative - Patient
2018年10月13日 · I was ecstatic! I also started taking 150 billion CFU of probiotics every day and used boric acid suppositories for 21 days after treatment since I read that it can prevent recurrences. And it was working great except for the excessive watery discharge from the boric acid, but the smell was nearly gone and the light yellow discharge was minimal.
Boric Acid Suppositories | Bacterial Vaginosis | Forums - Patient
2019年8月7日 · I have read where many women have had success taking three days of boric acid after their periods (to rebalance the ph) and then twice a week ongoing. What are your thoughts? I am so praying that they continue to work. My symptoms of BV were different as there was just a strong ammonia smell, lower urethra pressure/burning and urinary frequency.
BV will not go away! HELP! | Bacterial Vaginosis | Forums - Patient
2017年8月30日 · Even my doc said my vagina looks normal, but if u want to dilute, go ahead. Then after douching, I took boric acid supplements and dipped them in coconut oil. That's bc after douching with peroxide your pretty dry, and boric acid makes u more dry so the coconut oil gives you moisture, plus it has good results for BV.
Acidophilus for Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) - Earth Clinic
2025年2月14日 · Ok, I wanted the subject heading to be Boric Acid Douche. But anyway, here is the recipie I've been using; 1/2 teaspoon boric acid to 1 cup water. The boric acid is for sale through amazon.com. I mix up a bottle of the stuff and then dilute it further by filling a douche bottle half way with the boric acid solution and then top it off with water.
Boric Acid Cure for Bacterial Vaginosis - Earth Clinic
2017年1月13日 · Boric Acid will cure BV and yeast infections. The CDC has guidelines online. Your OB/GYN should be able to prescribe a regimen. You have to use the boric acid for 1 week or more to break through the vaginal film barrier then use oral metronidazole 2x daily for 7 days, and then metro gel 2x week for 6 months.
Tried Boric Acid (and coconut oil) - I'm sore - Patient
2015年1月28日 · Then used it once a day for 1 week after that for maintenance and has been free of bv ever since. Just listen to your body. But if you feel like boric acid worked better for you then maybe douching with that instead of the capsule will help. I tried that once and didn't have the bad reaction i did with the capsule. Good luck!
Boric Acid Cure for Bacterial Vaginosis - Earth Clinic
2011年12月4日 · boric acid for chronic bv - yes it works! 600mg boric acid capsules work for bv - ask your doctor for a prescription Recurrent/chronic vaginal infection - try boric acid, it does work!