What is the difference between Backronym and Acronym?
2014年11月28日 · A backronym (Backward acronym or blend of back and acronym) is a term for a word which has been turned into an acronym by inventing an expansion, rather than the …
Opposite of acronym - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2011年12月27日 · The definition for backronym in the Oxford US Dictionary online sheds some light on the antonym for acronym: a fanciful expansion of an existing acronym or word, such as …
Is there a word for an acronym which spells out one of its …
2015年10月5日 · It draws, by its very nature (and geekiness), a certain fondness from computer hobbyists and is thus heavily used in naming software packages, programming concepts or …
meaning - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2011年11月17日 · This answer strikes me as the most likely interpretation if I were to hear the word from a teenager who likes video games. I disagree with the etymology, though. In the …
Word for abbreviations that have become standard words
2014年2月24日 · Your examples fall into this category. Quite often, these words aren't written in capitals: laser, for example, tends to be written in lower case, whereas Nato is often written …
A phrase used to describe solving a problem by using a …
2019年3月18日 · KISS, a backronym for "keep it simple, stupid", is a design principle noted by the U.S. Navy in 1960. The KISS principle states that most systems work best if they are kept …
history - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2014年6月12日 · I can vividly imagine a sneeze with either sound, so I find it very likely that the common onomatopoeias are reflecting that variation. Bear in mind that the Dutch and German …
What is the proper term for promotional items given out to …
2018年8月5日 · @HotLicks - "Swag" is a very old word, of course - I remember it as being interchangeable with "booty" in the tales of pirates and highwaymen I read as a kid - but when …
rhetoric - The same word used to define itself - English Language ...
The common term for this is a backronym, a back-formation acronym. Also known as recursive acronym/ metacronym/ recursive initialism, this is a fun way to coin names for new …
single word requests - What do you call it when you come up with …
2018年12月11日 · A backronym, or bacronym, is a constructed phrase that purports to be the source of a word that is an acronym. (source: Wikipedia ) They give the AMBER Alert as an …