Why do BH3 and NaBH4 have different selectivities?
2015年7月22日 · I've always known borane ($\\ce{BH3}$), as a reagent for alkene hydroboration. Recently in class we talked about its use in the reduction of carboxylic acids to alcohols as …
Order of lewis acidity for BBr3, BCl3, BMe3, BH3, BPh3?
2018年8月1日 · BBr3 is more acidic than BCl3 due to weaker pi back bonding in BBr3 as compared to BCl3.BCl3 is stronger acid than BH3 due to electron withdrawing effect of Cl …
How does a hydroboration mechanism actually work?
2017年3月19日 · I had to write the complete mechanism for you so that you can understand it better. See the image below. I have explained it in the simplest form. Some of the points I …
organic chemistry - What is the balanced equation of BH3/THF …
2019年2月14日 · The reduction of secondary amides with BH3 requires 3 equivalents, mechanism shown below image sourced from here. The borane becomes HB=O which may transform …
Reaction of methacrylic acid with BH3 - Chemistry Stack Exchange
2016年7月20日 · Are there any other conditions for the second reaction, like heating or acid catalysis? If that were the case then I would suggest an ester as the product, after a reduction …
inorganic chemistry - Why don't unstable odd electron species …
2014年11月29日 · Why doesn't unstable odd electron compound $\ce {NO}$ dimerize to $\ce {N2O2}$? Why doesn't this structure of ozonide dimerize? But why then does $\ce {BH3}$ …
hybridization - What makes banana bonds possible in diborane ...
2012年5月4日 · Diborane has the interesting property of having two 3-centered bonds that are each held together by only 2 electrons (see the diagram below, from Wikipedia). These are …
Reduction of acids with borane - Chemistry Stack Exchange
2015年3月28日 · What is the mechanism of the reduction of organic acids with borane? Borane reductions don't work well with electron deficient carbonyl groups. Why is that so, and how …
organic chemistry - Why does BH3/THF reduce the carbonyl group …
2022年1月30日 · Why does BH3/THF reduce the carbonyl group to a methylene rather than an alcohol?
molecular orbital theory - Chemistry Stack Exchange
PHX3 P H X 3 has a more bent structure than NHX3 N H X 3. The HOMO-LUMO gap for PHX3 P H X 3 is smaller than for NHX3 N H X 3, and so the distortion from the trigonal planar …