Positive 6 DPO?? — The Bump
2012年4月21日 · The short answer is no. I've heard of 8DPO as the soonest. I'm betting you actually ovulated earlier and you aren't really 6DPO. Usually, implantation doesn't even occur …
5-6DPO and no CM. Not a good sign? - The Bump
Hi ladies! I'm reading everywhere that around this time, if you are having lots of CM, then it's a good sign.
6dpo EWCM stretchy! Good sign? - The Bump
6dpo. ( i dont chart but i track with an app) DTD to possibly conceive 8 days ago.. today noticed creamy cm that was not sticky or stretchy, then when i wiped an hour later, it was very very …
Achy legs at 6 dpo - The Bump
I have crazy ache in the legs and extreme fatigue since 4 dpo. I am 6 dpo today.
BFN at 6DPO — The Bump
Someone pass the wine and cookies because I TOTES felt the sperm meet the egg. When will it be MY TURN?? ::sobs::
Who got their BFP on a Wondfo? — The Bump
2011年8月6日 · I got a positive on a Wondfo at 6DPO. It then was fainter for the next 2-3 days, and on 9DPO was definitely visible. 9DPO is when I got a positive on a Clear Blue Early …
Uterus fluttering, Implantation? - The Bump
2019年3月16日 · Hello everyone. I have been experiencing some fluttering around 5 & 6DPO. Is this possibly implantation.
6dpo and a couple drinks? — The Bump
So tonight we are having a huge party for our friends homecoming from the military and. This means alcohol.
Question: 6 DPO & Just got a yeast infection — The Bump
So today I'm 6DPO (feel free to look at my chart--there's a link in my siggy) and I just got a yeast infection. I only ever get yeast infections when I take antibiotics and I'm not on antibiotics right …
Is Pink Discharge Normal? Here’s What It Can Mean
Pink discharge between periods can bring up a lot of questions, especially for a woman who is trying to get pregnant. Here’s what can cause light pink spotting.