error #5149: Illegal character in statement label field
2009年10月21日 · The compiler looks at the extension on the source file (.for) and then thinks that the file is in fixed source form (column 1 for comment indicator, columns 2:5 for statement …
error #5149: Illegal character in statement label field
2017年3月31日 · If your file was named with .F on linux, that would invoke pre-processing; the equivalent would occur with ifort if you add -fpp option (or, on linux, if you retained the .F).
Solved: Illegal character in statement label field (module statement …
2021年9月28日 · Illegal character in statement label field (module statement in .f file)
The numerous error #5149 - Intel Community
The numerous error #5149 messages in #1 are probably the result of your including "blas.f90" in a fixed format source code. For instance,
not able to compile abaqus user subroutine - Intel Community
2017年1月18日 · hello all I am trying to compile one subroutine having a simple constitutive model (solid mechanics). Every time i submit the job in abaqus, it gets
Re: IFX latest cannot pass complex components as arguments to ...
2024年11月11日 · 29001 Discussions Subscribe cdslab Novice 11-09-202411:30 AM 1,330 Views The ifx latest Intel Fortran compiler release 2025.0 cannot compile the following line in a …
intel GPU driver HDR broken on 11th Gen CPUs …
2024年8月26日 · Hello Using HDR on the Igpu: UHD Graphics 750, I just get flashing pink and green screen all pixelated. Reverting to the previous driver fixes the issue? Is there an issue …