E2K16 CU22 Event 4023 and 4028 EWS related AD Access for …
2022年3月7日 · Exchange 2016 CU22 with 1 DAG of 4 servers. CU22 was installed on 2/23/2022. We are getting MSExchange AD Access errors 4023 and 4028 concerning the default Discovery system mailbox, on the server that has the active copy. The mailbox exists and as should be, is disabled and hidden. I don't see any other errors related to it.
about_Script_Blocks - PowerShell | Microsoft Learn
5 天之前 · In this article Short description. Defines what a script block is and explains how to use script blocks in the PowerShell programming language.
msiexec | Microsoft Learn
2023年2月3日 · Reference article for the msiexec command, which provides the means to install, modify, and perform operations on Windows Installer from the command line.
Windows Update log files | Microsoft Learn
Generating WindowsUpdate.log. To merge and convert Windows Update trace files (.etl files) into a single readable WindowsUpdate.log file, see Get-WindowsUpdateLog.