IBM z/OS operating system
IBM® z/OS® is an operating system (OS) for IBM Z® mainframes, suitable for continuous, high-volume operation with high security and stability. With IBM z/OS, you can use the computing power and resources of the IBM Z platform to help drive …
Mainframe operating system: z/OS - IBM
z/OS®, a widely used mainframe operating system, is designed to offer a stable, secure, and continuously available environment for applications running on the mainframe. z/OS today is the result of decades of technological advancement.
z/OS operating - IBM
z/OS uses both types of physical storage (central and auxiliary) to enable another kind of storage called virtual storage. In z/OS, each user has access to virtual storage, rather than physical storage.
z/OS Introduction - IBM Redbooks
2018年4月22日 · The IBM Redbooks video course starts from the beginning teaching IBM Z basics and the IBM Z flagship operating system z/OS. The course addresses z/OS access and interaction basics, data sets and data access methods, and operating system environment topics.
IBM z/OS basic skills education
The z/OS basic skills information center is the fastest way to learn and become productive on z/OS. Once you've learned the basic z/OS concepts and skills presented here, you can find the z/OS product documentation in this IBM Knowledge Center.
z/OS keeps the inactive pieces of address spaces in auxiliary storage. z/OS is structured around address spaces, which are ranges of addresses in virtual storage. Each user of z/OS gets an address space containing the same range of storage addresses. The use of address spaces in z/OS allows for isolation of private
Visión general del sistema operativo IBM z/OS
IBM z/OS 3.1 marca una nueva era en la inteligencia de sistemas operativos. La nueva versión de z/OS permite: Escalar el valor de los datos e impulsar la transformación digital impulsada por la IA y la automatización inteligente; Proteger y prosperar con unas excepcionales prestaciones de ciberresiliencia
IBM z/OS 操作系统 - 概述
ibm z/os® 是面向 ibm z® 大型机的操作系统 (os),适用于连续、大容量操作,安全性和稳定性高。 借助 IBM z/OS,企业可以使用 IBM Z 平台的计算能力和资源,推动业务转型并加速创新。
Announcing IBM z/OS 3.1: An AI-infused operating system for the …
2023年8月3日 · z/OS 3.1 expands the scope of existing application functions and supports new development to consistently build, deploy, and manage workloads, both Linux and z/OS, across a hybrid cloud environment and includes the following:
Sistema operativo IBM z/OS: Descripción general
IBM z/OS es un sistema operativo para mainframes IBM zSystems, adecuado para un funcionamiento continuo y de gran volumen con una gran seguridad y estabilidad.