Hourly, long term and precipitation map from NRK and Meteorologisk institutt.
Yr - New York - Long term forecast
2025年3月20日 · Weather forecast for New York for the next 10 days.
Værvarsel time for time, langtidsvarsel og nedbørkart fra NRK og Meteorologisk institutt.
Yr - Wellington - Long term forecast
4 天之前 · Weather forecast for Wellington for the next 10 days.
Facts about Yr – Yr help and information
Yr is the joint online weather service from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute (met.no) and the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK). These two public institutions have worked …
Weather and forecast – Yr help and information
Weather forecasts on Yr - how are they made?
Yr.no on the App Store
Check details day by day and hour by hour in the long-term forecast, or study the details in the graph. Under "Around you" you get an overview of air pollution, pollen spread and UV …
Yr.no - Wikipedia
yr.no is a Norwegian website and a mobile app for weather forecasting and dissemination of other types of meteorological information hosted by the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation in …
FAQ: Frequently asked questions – Yr help and information
On this page we will try to answer the most frequently asked questions our users have. Why can we not just keep the old websites on retro.yr.no? Why are you developing a new website? Is …
YR Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
2025年3月20日 · What does the abbreviation YR stand for? Meaning: year.