"One-to-one" vs. "one-on-one" - English Language & Usage Stack …
2012年4月19日 · You may use one-to-one when you can identify a source and a destination. For eg., a one-to-one email is one sent from a single person to another, i.e., no ccs or bccs. In maths, a one-to-one mapping maps one element of a set to a unique element in a target set. One-on-one is the correct adjective in your example
pronouns - "One of them" vs. "One of which" - English Language …
I have two assignments, and one of them is done. Or alternatively you need to make them two separate sentences, which means you need to replace the comma with a period. I have two assignments. One of them is done. The second sentence reads fine as long as you follow the correct sentence case and change "One" to "one".
Is the use of "one of the" correct in the following context?
The phrase 'one of the' is used to describe something/someone from the same group. There are many birds on the tree. One of the birds is red. This means we are talking about all the birds on the three but then when you want to be specific about the red bird, you use one of the. He is one of the soldiers who fights for their country - is correct.
Which is correct vs which one is correct? [duplicate]
2019年8月11日 · When using the word "which" is it necessary to still use "one" after asking a question or do "which" and "which one" have the same meaning? Where do you draw the line on the difference between "which" and "which one" when asking a question that involves more than one answer? Example: How much is 1 + 1? Which (one) is the right answer?: A. 2. B. 11
Does "but one" mean "only one" or "except one"? [duplicate]
Normally the NP is quantified (e.g, one/thirteen/a few of them). However, if the phrase is all but NP, then it means 'all except one/thirteen/a few of them'. Make sure you know which idiom you're talking about. There are a lot of them, and some have more words than others. –
pronunciation - Why is "one" pronounced as "wan", not "oh-ne ...
one and once are pronounced differently from the related words alone, only and atone. Stressed vowels often become diphthongs over time (Latin bona → Italian buona and Spanish buena ), and this happened in the late Middle Ages to the words one and once , first recorded ca 1400: the vowel underwent some changes, from ōn → ōōōn → wōn ...
relative pronouns - Which vs Which one - English Language …
The "one" could imply that of the alternates only ONE choice is possible, or permitted. "Which" alone could indicate several choices from the set of alterates could be selected in various combinations. Of course, speakers are often very imprecise about their meanings & intentions when saying "which" or "which one".
How to correctly apply "in which", "of which", "at which", "to which ...
@Mr. Hyde One can sometimes shift the preposition in writing or in speech, yes: "the party which he spoke at was" etc.. Bear in mind, though, that in non-literary writing, the preposition would not be shifted. Which without in is not part of this question. The point here is about the prepositioins. –
Which is it: "1½ years old" or "1½ year old"? [duplicate]
2015年2月1日 · It would come much more naturally to a native speaker to say not "That man is a 50-year-old" [note also the hyphenation here] but "That is a 50-year-old man"; similarly, not "That kid is a one-and-a-half-year-old today" [a construction I have never heard anyone use when referring to half years as part of someone's age], but "That is a one-and-a-half-year-old kid" (omitting the 'today'), or ...
"Do you know what IS IT?" vs "Do you know what IT IS?"
This one is grammatical: Do you know what it is? This one is not grammatical (except for an unusual situation described below): Do you know what is it? The key to understanding this is to see that what it is is not a question. It's just the object of know. What is it? is a question, but there's only one question here, not a question within a ...