Get directions & show routes in Google Maps
Click points on the map, type an address, or add a place name. Choose your mode of transportation. To get driving directions, click Driving . To get transit directions, click Transit . …
Get started with Google Maps - Android - Google Maps Help
This article will help you set up, learn the basics and explain various features of Google Maps. You can use the Google Maps app on your mobile device or Google Maps on your computer.
1. Add or claim your business - Google Business Profile Help
You can also find your business on the map and click it. Click Claim this business Manage now. To choose a different business, click I own or manage another business. Select a verification …
Search locations on Google Maps
Embed a Map. Find recent searches. In the "Recents" tab, you can review, save, and share recent searches. To review recent searches: On your computer, go to Google Maps. On the …
Przydatne funkcje Map Google
Ustawiaj opcje trasy: gdy używasz Map Google, aby dotrzeć do konkretnego miejsca, możesz wybrać trasę, która bardziej Ci pasuje. Dowiedz się, jak omijać trasy płatne, przeprawy …
Use Google Drive for desktop
This article will guide you through setting up and using Drive for desktop. To get started, follow these steps: Learn about Drive for desktop benefits Install and se
Google マップでマイマップを表示する - パソコン - マップ ヘルプ
Google マップでマイマップを表示できます。マイマップを使うと、自分用にカスタマイズした地図を作成、編集して ...
Add, edit, or delete Google Maps reviews & ratings
Find your reviews On Google Maps, you can write reviews for places you visit. You can also leave info or post photo or video updates about a place, like if it’s quiet and romantic o
Search by latitude & longitude in Google Maps
On the map, right-click the place or area. A pop-up window appears. At the top, you can find your latitude and longitude in decimal format. To copy the coordinates, click on the latitude and …
Google Maps Help
Official Google Maps Help Center where you can find tips and tutorials on using Google Maps and other answers to frequently asked questions.