Home - WCET
WCET is the leader in the practice, policy, & advocacy of digital learning in higher education. WCET members cooperatively share solutions and lessons learned in implementing digital …
World Council of Enterostomal Therapists
The World Council of Enterostomal Therapists® aspires to the core values of: Respect: for the dignity and individual diversity of all persons. Integrity: adherence to a recognized code of ethics. Communication: fostering collaboration between members and other interested parties. Holistic Care: encompassing care for body, mind and spirit.
首页 - 中国计算机学会
WCET 重在基于教学实践研究符合国情和学情的青少年计算机教育的内容、方法和目标,讨论学科价值、学习载体以及学生持续发展等方面的问题,凝练培养青少年计算思维的教学方法、教学模式和教学思想。
Annual Conference - WCET
WCET 2025 brings together higher education professionals and practitioners to spark critical conversations, explore the latest advancements in digital learning, and navigate the evolving regulatory landscape.
About - WCET
WCET – the WICHE Cooperative for Educational Technologies is the leader in the practice, policy, & advocacy of digital learning in higher education. We are a member-driven organization that brings together colleges, universities, higher education organizations, and companies to collectively improve the quality and reach of digital learning ...
WCET (TV) - Wikipedia
WCET (channel 48) is a PBS member television station in Cincinnati, Ohio, United States. The station is owned by the Greater Cincinnati Television Educational Foundation, [1][2] a subsidiary of Public Media Connect.
WCET(最差执行时间)分析工具 - 知乎
WCET 工具是软件测试工具的一个子集,用于分析应用程序的最坏情况执行时间(WCET),通常还包括其他定时指标。 WCET 工具被广泛应用于安全关键行业,以向认证机构提供证据,证明定时期限将得到满足。
Congress | Conference | 2025 | 第二届世界教育与培训大会
WCET 2025为期三天,包括分组会议和海报展览,将聚焦18个主题,涵盖医学与健康教育、高等教育、可持续发展教育与变革性学习、管理教育、教育技术与远程教育等。
最坏运行时间(WCET)简述 - 知乎
最坏运行时间 (WCET) , 顾名思义, 是指软件在可能的运行状况下能够执行的最长时间。 尽管DO-178C的目标中并没有任何目标要求必须做最坏运行时间分析, 但其附表A-5目标6“Source code is accurate and consistent”所对应的解释 (6.3.4节f项) 中却明确说明包括“worst case execution timing”, 另外, 如果性能需求中明确要求了任务的时间余量,由于 动态测试 不能证明所有情况下该时间余量都能被满足 (即无法实现穷举测试),所以通常也会使用最坏时间分析的 …
WCET - 百度百科
WCET是计算机术语,是英文Worst-case Execution Time(最坏执行时间)的简写。 一个计算机任务的最坏执行时间就是这个任务在特定的 硬件 平台上执行所需要的时间长度的最大值。 最坏 …