4HOnline - Sign in
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Login to 4-HOnline. If you do not have a 4-HOnline account, begin by going to https://v2.4honline.com Click the Don’t have an account? link Enter your email address and create a password. If you have a family profile in 4-HOnline, Select Add …
St. Joseph County Enrolling in 4-H Online as a Returning Adult Volunteer 125 S. Lafayette Blvd, 2nd Floor South Bend, Ind 46601 574-235-9605
To begin, go to http://v2.4honline.com You should be able to login with your current information (username: email and password.) If you’ve forgotten your password, click the Reset Password link to have a temporary password sent to your email address. Note:
Sign in - 4HOnline
Sign inDon't have an account? Reset password?
Mini 4-H serves to introduce boys and girls from kindergarten, first, and second grade to 4-H club programs and acts as a stepping-stone to regular 4-H work. In the Mini Fairgrounds club, members have the opportunity for hands-on learning about a variety of different subjects.
Club promotional videos should be short (think 30 second commercial, 1-minute max). Videos can include members, volunteers, project samples, etc. and will be posted on the 4-H Facebook site, OSUE Website, and shared throughout the county. The goal is to increase 4 …
The Uvalde County 4-H Club delivered 325 Valen-tines hand made by club members to local nursing home residents of the Amistad Nursing and Reha-bilitation Center, the Uvalde Health Care and Reha-bilitation Center and Veranda Senior Living.
IF YOUR CHILD IS ALREADY REGISTERED FOR DAY CAMP, YOU DO NOT NEED TO SUBMIT A NEW HEALTH FORM, UNLESS your child will be taking medication at Overnight Camp that they are not taking at Day Camp. Then you will need to submit a new page 4, 5 & 6, which require a PHYSICIAN SIGNATURE on pg 5 & possibly pg 6. REFER to those
• Help conduct Clay County 4-H livestock events – showmanship & fitting clinics, open shows, fair shows, skillathon & judging contests during the fair. • Organize 4-H livestock and promotional activities