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Khan Academy
Belajar gratis tentang matematika, seni, pemrograman komputer, ekonomi, fisika, kimia, biologi, kedokteran, keuangan, sejarah, dan lainnya. Khan Academy adalah organisasi nonprofit dengan misi memberikan pendidikan kelas dunia secara gratis untuk siapa pun, di mana pun.
Khan Academy Brasil | Khan Academy
A Khan Academy possui conteúdos de Matemática, Ciências e Língua Portuguesa alinhados à BNCC do Ensino Fundamental. Encontre exercícios, vídeos e artigos e comece a usar com seus alunos!
How do I create assignments for my students on Khan Academy?
2025年1月27日 · Click the > symbol next to the lesson to show the v ideos, articles, practice exercises, quizzes, and/or unit tests in that unit. We recommend choosing 1-2 pieces of individual content to assign, rather than assigning the entire unit or lesson.
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