everyday life - Why do sunbeams diverge even though the sun is …
2014年12月26日 · Consider this picture of sun beams streaming onto the valley through the clouds. Given that the valley is only (at a guess) 3km wide, with simple trigonometry and the …
Sunrays through clouds paradox - Physics Stack Exchange
2019年9月19日 · Since all sun rays have their origin at the sun, they must be pointing away from the sun radially. Both in 3D and in the image you take. Now, take your image, and extend the …
How much and what kind of radiation passes through a cloud?
2016年7月6日 · It varies by type of cloud, thickness, altitude, angle of the sun and likely many other factors. As a generality, clouds block a part of visible, UV and IR light depending on a …
How much and what kind of sunlight passes through a cloud?
2016年7月5日 · Now there a small clouds and big clouds so it should be some average. Is this true or is the amount of sunlight passing throug a cloud really much more depending on the …
What makes Sun's light travel as parallel beams towards earth?
2014年12月28日 · Sun's light appear to travel as parallel beams towards earth $_1$. Sun produces electromagnetic radiations through pp chain and other reactions in Photosphere …
visible light - Looking at the sun through heavy fog, do invisible ...
2015年9月20日 · $\begingroup$ According to a dermatologist I once asked, clouds (and by extension, fog) only attenuate UV light by about 10%. Without seeing a graph of EMF …
Flat-Earthers Claim: Crepuscular Rays $\\implies$ the Sun is Close
2016年6月20日 · Consequently what you are seeing are not rays moving through the clouds, but rays that are scattered by small particles or dust below the clouds. The divergence of these …
Does regular sky clouds stops the sun's ultraviolet rays?
2012年7月2日 · Clouds don't absorb light (much), they reflect and refract it, and this applies to uv light in the same way as visible light. So a 100% cloudy sky will block uv light in the same way …
Why can't thin clouds form rainbows? - Physics Stack Exchange
2024年7月21日 · Cloud Iridescence is observed when the clouds are thin enough and it can also take the form of corona. From the Wikipedia article: If parts of clouds contain small water …
Why does the Sun appear white through clouds?
2021年4月5日 · When you see the sun through clouds, you get to see its actual colour more faithfully than usual, both because (as Mark Bell wrote) Mie scattering doesn't have the colour …