Short-range ballistic missile - Wikipedia
A short-range ballistic missile (SRBM) is a ballistic missile with a range of 300 km (190 mi) to 1,000 km (620 mi). [1] In past and potential regional conflicts, these missiles have been and would be used because of the short distances between some countries and their relative low cost and ease of configuration.
短程弹道导弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
短程弹道导弹 (英語: Short-range ballistic missile,缩写: SRBM)是指射程不超过1000公里的 弹道导弹,它们常常能够携带 核武器,在现代某些国家的冲突中,由于短程弹道导弹组装方便,成本相对小,短程弹道导弹经常被用到。
9K720 Iskander (SS-26) - Missile Threat
2024年4月23日 · The 9K720 Iskander (NATO: SS-26 “Stone”) is a road-mobile short-range ballistic missile (SRBM) with a range of up to 500 km. Using a common transporter-erector-launcher (TEL) and support vehicles, the system can also fire the 9M728 (R-500, SSC-7) and 9M729 (SSC-8) cruise missiles.
短程彈道導彈 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
短程彈道導彈 (英語: Short-range ballistic missile,縮寫: SRBM)是指射程不超過1000公里的 彈道導彈,它們常常能夠攜帶 核武器,在現代某些國家的衝突中,由於短程彈道導彈組裝方便,成本相對小,短程彈道導彈經常被用到。
Short-range ballistic missile | military technology | Britannica
Lance missile, U.S.-made mobile short-range ballistic missile, capable of carrying either a conventional or a nuclear warhead, that was developed during the 1960s and fielded by the U.S. Army from 1972 to 1992, mainly in western Europe.
What is a Short-Range Ballistic Missile? Exploring the Basics and ...
A short-range ballistic missile (SRBM) is a weapon system that falls under the category of ballistic missiles. Ballistic missiles are guided projectiles that follow a ballistic trajectory, primarily powered by rocket engines.
M-20弹道导弹(英文:M-20 ballistic missile,又称:东风-12,代号:DF-12,北约代号:CSS-X-15),近程弹道导弹(英文缩写:SRBM)。 M-20弹道导弹于2012年开始研制,2015年定型,在2014年和2016年的中国珠海航展上,分别以模型和实物方式展出。
B611弹道导弹是一种固体燃料、地对地、近程弹道导弹(SRBM),由中国航天科工集团公司(CASIC)和土耳其武器制商MKEK公司共同地发展。 一般了解导弹发展在1999年开始,如同一项中国和土耳其的合作计划。
短程弹道导弹 - 搜狗百科
2022年7月11日 · 短程弹道导弹(Short-range ballistic missile,缩写:SRBM)属于地对地战术导弹范畴,射程一般在1000公里以下,可携带核弹头或常规弹头,主要用于攻击地面炮兵射程之外的固定及活动目标,如核武器发射阵地、前沿飞机场、坦克集群、部队集结地、固定防空阵地 ...
KN-23 | Missile Threat
2024年4月23日 · The KN-23 is a North Korean short-range ballistic missile (SRBM) first tested in May 2019. The missile flies on a quasi-ballistic trajectory and has a maximum range of 690 km. Due to its visual similarity to Russia’s Iskander-M SRBM, analysts dispute whether the missile was constructed with foreign assistance.