SCP-5500 - SCP Foundation
SCP-5500-Ω are humanoid, possibly human, entities that exist in a reality above the greater multiverse observed by the Foundation. These entities have the capability to alter our reality and adjacent realities through the medium of creative writing, though the amount of influence they have is unclear. The death of an SCP-5500-Ω instance ...
SCP-5500 - SCP Foundation
Abstract: But we found out that there is a God, and it is SCP-001. And it’s a bunch of horror writers. Those are the words that close out the infamous S. Andrew Swann Proposal— at least, the portion It's hard for you out there to grasp, but on this side of the fourth wall, we don't have all the information.
SCP-5500 - SCP Foundation
Observation showed the SCP-5500-Omega instance in the process of crafting a narrative; it is believed that exposure to this process is what triggered the ensuing events. Upon observing the creation of a narrative, operator Dr. Lycus inadvertently asserted control over the SCP-5500-Omega entity's nervous system, causing them to stand up from ...
SCP-5500-2 - SCP Foundation
SCP-5500 » SCP-5500-2 NOTICE: This is a fragment page. It is an internal page used by the SCP Wiki, and ...
SCP-5500-4 - SCP Foundation
Conversation with SCP-5500-Omega-62. For the purposes of this, SCP-5500-Omega-62 was drawn down into the metaphysical funnel, inhabiting a sentient computer structure that could conduct simple conversation. This method was deemed to have the least chance of complete pataphysical failure. Dr. Sinclair: You're dying. 5500-Omega-62: [CONFIRM]
SCP-5500 - SCP Foundation
The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment.
SCP-500-J - SCP Foundation
2024年1月25日 · Special Containment Procedures: SCP-500-J is to be stored in a standard containment locker at Site-18. Access to SCP-500-J is restricted to Level 2 personnel and above. Description: SCP-500-J is a paper document of A4 size, measuring 210x297mm and weighing 6 grams. Chemical analysis confirms its composition is consistent with standard paper ...
A Comprehensive List of K-Class Scenarios - SCP Foundation
2024年12月30日 · SCP-7933: CIK-Class Insurgency War Scenario: The Chaos Insurgency's main goal becomes to ensure the complete eradication or takeover of the SCP Foundation. SCP-8065: DBK-Class Complete Database Loss Scenario: The SCP Foundation database is completely lost, and unable to be restored without recreating the files from scratch, or at all. SCP-8065
SCP-5000 - SCP Foundation
2020年12月4日 · SCP-5000 first appeared in a flash of light within SCP-579's containment chamber at Site-62C on 12/04/2020, containing a corpse 1 genetically identical to Foundation employee Pietro Wilson. Pietro Wilson is currently employed at Exclusionary Site-06 2 , and mnestic therapy has confirmed he has no knowledge of SCP-5000 or memories concerning the ...
SCPDeclassified Hub - SCP Foundation
Decoding the mysteries of the SCP Foundation. The stories and articles found throughout the SCP wiki can be breathtaking and multilayered, but also complexly hidden between the lines. Even after repeated readthroughs and laconic explanations, sometimes you still don't get the full picture - the context, the nuanced meanings, or the greater ...