SCP-830 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-830 is a shifting pool that initially appears to be composed of oil and sand. Attempts to recover samples from the pool have revealed only inert samples standard to the earth in that area.
SCP-830 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
SCP-830, nicknamed "Inky Quicksand", is a shifting pool resembling a mixture of sand and oil that consumes victims who touch it; these victims may be contacted later on, after their face is displayed within the pool.
SCP-830 | Inky Quicksand (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
2022年10月26日 · SCP-830 is a shifting pool that initially appears to be composed of oil and sand. Any humans coming into physical contact with SCP-830 are drawn into the pool itself, and presumably killed....
Entry Page: 830 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
Dr. Jonas DeWitt Object Classes Safe Security Clearance Levels Level 3 20th Century CE Incident 830-13B Chaos Insurgency SCP Foundation Scientific Department Earth SCP-830 Homo sapiens
SCP-830-JP - SCP International
Description: SCP-830-JP is a structure with the appearance of a Japanese castle of the Azuchi–Momoyama period that manifests on the top of Mt. of Prefecture, Japan. SCP-830-JP only materializes from 21:00 on 08/30 to 03:00 on 08/31 1 every year.
SCP-830 - SCP Explained
Laconic Description: SCP-830 is a massive pool of a black sand-like substance that draws people who touch it to its bottom. After the person's death, their face will appear in SCP-830, which are still conscious and in extreme pain.
Incident 830-13B | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
Incident 830-13B was an incident that occurred at SCP-830's containment site. A catwalk across 830 collapsed, causing the death of 16 Foundation site personnel, including a visiting Level 3. This prompted new procedures to be enacted, particularly restricting further constructs above or on SCP-830. [1] Meta [] Appearances [] Entry Page: 830 ...
SCP-830-JP - SCP財団
説明: SCP-830-JPは、毎年8月30日の午後9時から翌日の午前3時の間にのみ、 県 山の頂上に出現する、戦国山城とみられる建造物です。 SCP-830-JPの現在の面積はおよそ150,000㎡であり、高さ55mの本丸、二の丸、三の丸に加え様々な郭や櫓、砦から構成されているため、安土桃山時代当時の武装での真正面からの突破は非常に困難であると考えられています。 また、各所 …
SCP-830 - Нефтяные зыбучие пески
Описание: SCP-830 представляет собой зыбучий водоём, первоначально, судя по всему, содержавший в себе смесь нефти и песка. Попытки получить пробы из водоёма привели к получению инертных образцов, характерных для земли на данной территории. Исследователи предполагают, что на это и на другие свойства SCP-830 влияет некий …
830 - SCP Foundation
Item #: SCP-830. Object Class: Safe. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-830 is to be kept in a high security vault at Site-77. The interior of the vault is to be guarded by two Level 3 security personnel at all times.