- Copilot 答案History
Maize requires human intervention for its propagation. The kernels of its naturally-propagating teosinte ancestor fall off the cob on their own, while those of domesticated maize do not. All maize arose from a single domestication in … 展开
NamesThe name maize derives from the Spanish form maíz of the Taíno mahis. The Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus used the common name maize as the species epithet in Zea mays. The name maize is preferred in formal, scientific… 展开
Structure and physiologyMaize is a tall annual grass with a single stem, ranging in height from 1.2 m (4 ft) to 4 m (13 ft). The long narrow leaves arise from the nodes or joints, alternately on opposite sides on the stalk. Maize is monoecious, … 展开
Genomics and geneticsMaize is diploid with 20 chromosomes. 83% of allelic variation within the genome derives from its teosinte ancestors, primarily due to the freedom of Zea species to outcross. Barbara McClintock used maize to validate her … 展开
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