Rancher Desktop by SUSE
Rancher Desktop is an Electron-based application that wraps other tools while providing a simple user experience. On macOS and Linux, Rancher Desktop uses a virtual machine to run containerd or Docker and Kubernetes.
Installation | Rancher Desktop Docs
Find the version of Rancher Desktop you want to download. Expand the Assets section and download the Windows installer. It will be called Rancher.Desktop.Setup.X.Y.Z.msi, where X.Y.Z is the version of Rancher Desktop. Navigate to the directory where you downloaded the installer to and run the installer. This will usually be the Downloads folder.
Introduction | Rancher Desktop Docs
Rancher Desktop is an app that provides container management and Kubernetes on the desktop. It is available for Mac (both on Intel and Apple Silicon), Windows, and Linux.
FAQ | Rancher Desktop Docs
This FAQ is a work in progress designed to answer the questions our users most frequently ask about Rancher Desktop. Q: Is Rancher Desktop a desktop version of Rancher? A: No. Rancher Desktop is not Rancher on the Desktop. While Rancher and Rancher Desktop share the Rancher name, they do different things. But, the two solutions do complement ...
Features | Rancher Desktop Docs
A Rancher Desktop installation comes with command-line utilities that are used to interface with its various features. Some examples of these utilities are docker , nerdctl , kubectl , and helm . These utilities are located in ~/.rd/bin - you may see which utilities are included in your installation by running ls ~/.rd/bin .
Hello World Example | Rancher Desktop Docs
This tutorial will demonstrate how to get started with Rancher Desktop by pushing an app to a local Kubernetes cluster. Rancher Desktop works with two container engines, containerd and Moby, the open-sourced components of the Docker …
Using the Traefik Ingress Controller | Rancher Desktop Docs
Rancher Desktop uses K3s under the hood, which in turn uses Traefik as the default Ingress controller for your Kubernetes cluster. As an example, the below steps outline creating simple services that can be routed by the Ingress object.
Proxy | Rancher Desktop Docs
Rancher Desktop now allows local, corporate, or VPN proxy server support for Windows users. The implementation can be enabled or disabled through the Proxy tab to capture network traffic and forward it to an http proxy.
Integrations | Rancher Desktop Docs
The Integrations tab allows for the option to make the Rancher Desktop Kubernetes configuration accessible to any Linux distributions configured for WSL. Once enabled, you can communicate with the Rancher Desktop Kubernetes cluster using tools …
Working with Images | Rancher Desktop Docs
Rancher Desktop provides the ability to build, push, and pull images via the NERDCTL project and the Docker CLI. Note, both nerdctl and docker are put into the path automatically. This occurs during the installer on Windows, and upon first run on macOS and Linux.