Nagant M1895 - Wikipedia
The Nagant M1895 is a seven-shot, gas-seal revolver designed and produced by Belgian industrialist Léon Nagant for the Russian Empire.
2018年12月19日 · The R1895 is a pistol type weapon in BATTLEGROUNDS. The Nagant M1895 (simply called the R1895 in-game) is a seven-shot revolver originally issued to members and …
2025年1月27日 · 실총 모델은 벨기에 리볼버면서 제정 러시아 등의 동구권에서 널리 쓰인 나강 M1895 리볼버 [3]. 그 유명한 손목 브레이커와 매우 닮았다. 태생부터 약실밀폐구조로 설계된 …
納甘M1895轉輪手槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
納甘M1895 (俄语: Револьвер системы Нагана,意為:納甘系統轉輪手槍)是由 比利時 工業家萊昂·納甘為 俄羅斯帝國 所研發的7發雙動式 轉輪手槍,發射 7.62×38毫米R 彈藥。 與大部 …
2 Years ago, for a brief window, the R1895 was ... - Reddit
2023年6月29日 · 2 Years ago, for a brief window, the R1895 was blessed with a big reduction in animation recoil that made it feel fantastic. They "fixed" the "bug" and now everyone has BCD...
R1895 - PUBG Mobile Wiki
R1895 "A revolver than fires 7.62mm rounds. Very powerful and can stop firing at any time, but has a heavy recoil and not easy to master." ― In game description
Meanwhile the R1895 in PUBG shoots like a jammed pew ... - Reddit
2020年12月5日 · The R1895 in PUBG actually shoots faster than what you would expect irl now. The gun has a like 25 pound trigger because of the weird cylinder sealing mechanism.
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