python - Clearing QTableView in PyQt5 - Stack Overflow
2021年3月28日 · @Simon In short, QWidget is the base element of an user interface, each widget can contain many child widgets (possibly nested in multiple levels of layouts and other child widgets), and could also be "top level widgets" (as in "window").
PySide2 change QLabel text by clicking QPushButton
2022年2月25日 · import PySide2.QtWidgets as qtw class UI_MainWidget(qtw.QWidget): # UI_MainWindow -> UI_MainWidget for clarity; inherit QWidget def __init__(self, button_text="button", lable_click_text="change text", parent=None): # auto initialize object super(UI_MainWidget, self).__init__(parent) # pass parent to inherited class __init__ function # …
how to connect two QTableview Widgets? - Stack Overflow
2019年11月13日 · import sys from PyQt5 import QtCore as qtc from PyQt5 import QtWidgets as qtw from PyQt5 import QtGui as qtg import os.path import pandas as pd class a(qtw.QStyledItemDelegate): def createEditor(
Qt: Can't create floating widget with QVideoWidget as parent?
2022年9月26日 · @Neat I cannot give you a proper suggestion, since I don't know the requirement of your program. That said, having a common interface is certainly better: switching between a QGraphicsView and another widget could complicate things, while having a common graphics view interface could be actually useful, while it might require a more complex programming interface on your side at first.
python - insert dynamic data into QTableWidget - Stack Overflow
2020年4月11日 · cell = qtw.QTableWidgetItem(str(data)) self.table_widget.setItem(row, col, cell) row += 1 Data doesn't change in this contest so cell = qtw.QTableWidgetItem(str(data)) would remain the same for all iterations
python - how to open a QDialog widget on the center position of …
Im looking for a way to open a QDialog widget on the center position of the main window. I have set the position of the mainwindow to center. centerPoint = qtw.QDesktopWidget().availableGeometry().
How can I manage the frames inside a "QMainWindow" widget?
2021年4月8日 · from PyQt5 import QtWidgets as qtw from PyQt5 import QtGui as qtg from PyQt5 import QtCore as qtc import ...
python - iterate over items in QTableWidget - Stack Overflow
2020年4月9日 · I have created a simple table with the QTableWidget class and inserted some data. I thought iterating over the table would be fairly easy like for item in self.table_widget.items(): ...
python - How can I set text of a qlineedit inside a mdi sub window …
2022年6月4日 · I have solved this problem by introducing a global variable and pass the text value from qlineedit of popup window to this global variable and in qtimer, if the global variable is not empty, it will update the text in qlineedit of mdi subwindow.
How to prevent QPlainText area from scrolling to end of line?
2022年7月5日 · from PySide6 import QtWidgets as qtw from PySide6 import QtCore, QtGui def appendPlainTextAndKeepCursor ...