Outworld Destroyer - Dota 2 Wiki
Stealing from the minds of those in his Astral Imprisonment, Outworld Destroyer turns raw intelligence into destructive power. Weakening enemies with a barrage of Arcane Energy glowing spheres that permeates any shield.
Dota 2 - Outworld Destroyer
Outworld Destroyer gains an additional 2.5 mana per point of Intelligence. Places a target unit into an astral prison. The hidden unit is invulnerable and disabled. When the astral prison implodes, it deals damage to the target and steals a percentage of their max mana.
Outworld Destroyer Ranged, Carry, Disabler, Nuker - Dotabuff
View statistics, top players and guides for Outworld Destroyer on Dotabuff
求科普! OD是哪个英雄?【dota2吧】_百度贴吧
OD是..谢啦! 终于涨姿势了谢啦谢啦am是敌法,ss是小y术士是WLK,51是巫妖吧,不过我一般都叫lich的.
D2PT - Outworld Destroyer Meta Item Builds - Dota2ProTracker
Outworld Destroyer Dota 2 Matches and Meta Builds for 7.38b. Find out how pros play Outworld Destroyer and what the best item & skill build is.
Dota 2 - 殁境神蚀者
一个高傲且强横的种族中的一员,先兆者,徘徊于虚空裂隙,他是整个世界与创世深渊之间唯一的卫士。 在这充斥着星体残片的殁境中,他凝视着天穹,警觉的提防着繁星之外那无底深渊中的任何骚动。 在他非凡的智慧中,深藏着对先兆的敏锐洞察力和强烈共鸣,他心中那曲黑暗的协奏曲暗示着:总有一天,在这深渊之中,在那造化之外,会有某种东西醒来,并且注意到我们的世界。 由于太专注于监视星体,殁境神蚀者对太阳附近的事件并不关心。 然而,随着遗迹发出战争的召 …
Outworld Destroyer - Guides - DOTABUFF - Dota 2 Stats
2025年3月14日 · Find constantly updated Outworld Destroyer guides from the top performances of the week. Each guide includes item builds, ability builds, timings and more.
Outworld Destroyer/Guide - Dota 2 Wiki
Outworld Destroyer is a carry and disabler. He can reset fights, break chain stuns, and save teammates with Astral Imprisonment. Essence Flux keeps his mana high, so he can constantly output pure damage with Arcane Orb.
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Dota黑曜毁灭者出装-中期: 思路 加满光环的OD的魔量上限达到1000时,已经可以从理论上满足法球持续输出的需要;魔量上限达到1500时,可以打开自动法球施放了 (中期实战中往往依旧要看情况用手动法球Hit&run,兼顾走位和追击)。
Outworld Destroyer - Abilities - DOTABUFF - Dota 2 Stats
2025年1月21日 · Outworld Destroyer gains an additional 2.5 mana per point of Intelligence. Unleashes a psychic blast that deals damage to enemies based on the difference between …
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