NISA Investment Advisors, LLC | St. Louis MO
NISA Investment Advisors manages investment-grade fixed income, derivative overlays and index-like equity investments portfolios. Contact us.
Our Firm | NISA Investment Advisors, LLC.
World-leading organizations rely upon NISA Investment Advisors to design, develop and manage highly customized, risk-controlled investment strategies. Based in St. Louis, Missouri, we employ over 375 people, over 20% of whom have a participation interest in the firm.
NISA's Team | NISA Investment Advisors, LLC.
NISA Investment Advisors, LLC is an independent, employee owned investment management firm. We focus on risk-controlled asset management for large institutional investors.
Investment Services | NISA Investment Advisors, LLC.
NISA manages fixed income portfolios against both broad market, e.g., aggregate and TIPS and highly customized benchmarks. Our risk-controlled approach to active management focuses …
Assets Under Management | NISA Investment Advisors, LLC.
NISA manages assets for institutional investors around the world, offering fixed income, index-like equity, & derivative overlay strategies.
Contact Us | NISA Investment Advisors, LLC.
Contact NISA Investment Advisors, LLC via online form or telephone. View our address or get directions to our office.
Perspectives - NISA Investment Advisors, LLC.
2024年5月15日 · NISA Investment Advisors, LLC (NISA) is pleased to introduce the Pension Surplus Risk Index, or PSRX*, a forward-looking estimate of the funded status volatility of US corporate defined benefit pension plans.
Derivative Overlay - NISA Investment Advisors, LLC.
NISA is one of the largest derivative overlay managers in the world, according to Pension & Investments’ ranking for U.S. institutional, tax-exempt assets covered as of 12/31/23, published on 6/10/24. 1 We manage customized strategies, including beta overlay, duration overlay and systematic strategies, among others.
Analyst, Derivatives Portfolio Management in St. Louis, Missouri
NISA Investment Advisors, LLC (NISA) offers customized investment solutions for tax-exempt and taxable institutional clients. NISA manages over $274 billion in fixed income and equity securities and over $154 billion in derivative notional value.
NISA Careers
Welcome to NISA, where world-leading organizations rely upon our employees to assist in designing, developing and managing highly customized, risk-controlled investment strategies. At NISA, we believe the best ideas prevail, regardless of who provides them.