Naftal - Wikipedia
Naftal (Arabic: نفطال) is the principal company selling petroleum-based fuels for domestic consumption in Algeria; its gas stations are a familiar sight throughout the country. Founded in 1981 by government decree, it was responsible for refining and distribution until 1987.
Naftal » Naftal Relation de Confiance
Naftal dispose depuis plus de 30 ans de centres de formations dédiés à la qualification et à la professionnalisation de sa ressource humaine... En 2023 , Naftal a commercialisé un volume total de 16,1 millions de tonnes de produits pétroliers, dont la répartition se présente comme suit :...
Naftal - 全球百科
Naftal (阿拉伯语:نفطال)是阿尔及利亚国内 销售 石油 燃料 的主要公司,其 加油站 在全国各地都很常见。 该公司于1981年根据政府法令成立,在1987年之前负责炼油和 分销。 1998年,它成为Sonatrach的一个子公司。 它雇用了约30,000名工人,并拥有约2300个加油站(截至2017年)。 Naftal公司专门从事成品油的分销和销售以及国内 市场 服务 站的运营。 2012年,纳夫塔尔管 …
Naftal - Wikiwand
Naftal (Arabic: نفطال) is the principal company selling petroleum-based fuels for domestic consumption in Algeria; its gas stations are a familiar sight throughout the country. Founded in 1981 by government decree, it was responsible for refining and distribution until 1987.
Naftal — Wikipédia
Naftal est spécialisée dans la distribution et la commercialisation des produits pétroliers (carburants, lubrifiants, fluides spéciaux, fioul, bitumes, additifs et carburants spéciaux, etc.) sur le marché algérien.
MyNaftal - Naftal SPA
MyNaftal is an online platform offering various services and products from Naftal SPA.
About Naftal - BeraPortal
Naftal is the principal company selling petroleum-based fuels for domestic consumption in Algeria; its gas stations are a familiar sight throughout the country. Founded in 1981 by government decree, it was responsible for refining and distribution until 1987.
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Naftal spa - LinkedIn
NAFTAL est une Entreprise Nationale Algérienne filiale 100% de SONATRACH chargée de la commercialisation et la distribution des produits pétroliers.
Naftal - Wikipedia, Njikotá édémédé nke onyobulạ
Naftal produces lubricants and naphthenic oils. Naftal manufactures its products in refineries operated by Sonatrac.
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